Title : Toxicological screening of marine red algae Champia parvula (C. Agardh) against the dengue mosquito vector Aedes aegypti (Linn.) and its non-toxicity against three beneficial aquatic predators - Yogarajalakshmi_2020_Aquat.Toxicol_222_105474 |
Author(s) : Yogarajalakshmi P , Venugopal Poonguzhali T , Ganesan R , Karthi S , Senthil-Nathan S , Krutmuang P , Radhakrishnan N , Mohammad F , Kim TJ , Vasantha-Srinivasan P |
Ref : Aquat Toxicol , 222 :105474 , 2020 |
Abstract :
Larval toxicity of ethanolic extract of C. parvula (Ex-Cp) was prominent in the second and the third instars at the maximum lethal dosage of 100 ppm with 98 and 97 % mortality rate respectively. The LC50 and LC90 was displayed at 43 ppm and 88 ppm dosage respectively. Correspondingly, the sub-lethal dosage (65 ppm) of Ex-Cp significantly alters the carboxylesterase (alpha and beta), GST and CYP450 enzyme level in both III and IV instar larvae in dose-dependent manner. Similarly, the Ex-Cp displayed significant repellent activity (97 %) with a maximum level of protection time (210 min). Photomicrography assay of Ex-Cp (65 ppm) were toxic to dengue larvae as compared to control. The non-target toxicity of Ex-Cp against the beneficial mosquito predators displayed less toxicity at the maximum dosage of 600 ppm as compared to Temephos. Thus the present research delivers the target and non-target toxicity of red algae C. parvula against the dengue mosquito vector. |
PubMedSearch : Yogarajalakshmi_2020_Aquat.Toxicol_222_105474 |
PubMedID: 32259658 |
Yogarajalakshmi P, Venugopal Poonguzhali T, Ganesan R, Karthi S, Senthil-Nathan S, Krutmuang P, Radhakrishnan N, Mohammad F, Kim TJ, Vasantha-Srinivasan P (2020)
Toxicological screening of marine red algae Champia parvula (C. Agardh) against the dengue mosquito vector Aedes aegypti (Linn.) and its non-toxicity against three beneficial aquatic predators
Aquat Toxicol
222 :105474
Yogarajalakshmi P, Venugopal Poonguzhali T, Ganesan R, Karthi S, Senthil-Nathan S, Krutmuang P, Radhakrishnan N, Mohammad F, Kim TJ, Vasantha-Srinivasan P (2020)
Aquat Toxicol
222 :105474