

Title : Synthesis of novel salidroside esters by lipase-mediated acylation with various functional acyl groups - Yu_2008_J.Biosci.Bioeng_106_65
Author(s) : Yu HL , Xu JH , Su JH , Lu WY , Lin GQ
Ref : J Biosci Bioeng , 106 :65 , 2008
Abstract :

Salidroside, a natural glycoside, was enzymatically derived for the first time into novel esters using lipase as biocatalyst. The reaction system of glycoside acylation was optimized, and the effect of solvent nature, concentrations of substrate and biocatalyst, and acyl donors' structure on the acylation was studied. In the optimal system, various structures of acyl donors, either natural or unnatural, including short alkyl acyl groups, long chain acyl groups and acyl donors with aryl group were connected to molecular backbone of the glycoside, forming various structures of novel glycoside esters.

PubMedSearch : Yu_2008_J.Biosci.Bioeng_106_65
PubMedID: 18691533

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Yu HL, Xu JH, Su JH, Lu WY, Lin GQ (2008)
Synthesis of novel salidroside esters by lipase-mediated acylation with various functional acyl groups
J Biosci Bioeng 106 :65

Yu HL, Xu JH, Su JH, Lu WY, Lin GQ (2008)
J Biosci Bioeng 106 :65