

Title : Effects of Zusanli and Ashi Acupoint Electroacupuncture on Repair of Skeletal Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction in a Rabbit Gastrocnemius Contusion Model - Yu_2016_Evid.Based.Complement.Alternat.Med_2016_7074563
Author(s) : Yu ZG , Wang RG , Xiao C , Zhao JY , Shen Q , Liu SY , Xu QW , Zhang QX , Wang YT
Ref : Evid Based Complement Alternat Med , 2016 :7074563 , 2016
Abstract :

Objective. To explore the effects of electroacupuncture (EA) at ST36 (EA-ST36) and at Ashi acupoints (EA-Ashi) on skeletal muscle repair. Methods. Seventy-five rabbits were randomly divided into five groups: normal, contusion, EA-Ashi, EA-ST36, and EA at Ashi acupoints and ST36 (EA-AS). EA (0.4 mA, 2 Hz, 15 min) was applied after an acute gastrocnemius contusion. The morphology of myofibers and neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) and expressions of growth differentiation factor-8 (GDF-8), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), Neuregulin 1 (NGR1), and muscle-specific kinase (MuSK) were assessed 7, 14, and 28 days after contusion. Results. Compared with that in contusion group, there was an increase in the following respective parameters in treatment groups: the number and diameter of myofibers, the mean staining area, and continuities of NMJs. A comparison of EA-Ashi and EA-ST36 groups indicated that average myofiber diameter, mean staining area of NMJs, and expressions of AChE and NRG1 were higher in EA-Ashi group, whereas expression of GDF-8 decreased on day 7. However, increases in myofiber numbers, expressions of MuSK and AChE, as well as decreases in GDF-8 expression, and the discontinuities were observed in EA-ST36 group on the 28th day. Conclusion. Both EA-ST36 and EA-Ashi promoted myofiber regeneration and restoration of NMJs. EA-Ashi was more effective at earlier stages, whereas EA-ST36 played a more important role at later stages.

PubMedSearch : Yu_2016_Evid.Based.Complement.Alternat.Med_2016_7074563
PubMedID: 27190536

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Yu ZG, Wang RG, Xiao C, Zhao JY, Shen Q, Liu SY, Xu QW, Zhang QX, Wang YT (2016)
Effects of Zusanli and Ashi Acupoint Electroacupuncture on Repair of Skeletal Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction in a Rabbit Gastrocnemius Contusion Model
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2016 :7074563

Yu ZG, Wang RG, Xiao C, Zhao JY, Shen Q, Liu SY, Xu QW, Zhang QX, Wang YT (2016)
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2016 :7074563