

Title : Nonradioactive northern blotting for the determination of acetylcholinesterase mRNA. Comparison to the radioactive technique - Zajc_2000_Pflugers.Arch_439_R66
Author(s) : Zajc Kreft K , Kreft S , Komel R , Grubic Z
Ref : Pflugers Arch , 439 :R66 , 2000
Abstract :

A sensitive nonradioactive northern blotting for the detection of acetylcholinesterase mRNA in mammalian tissues is described and compared to its radioactive version. Best results were obtained if digoxigenin labeled RNA probe was used for hybridization and CDP-Star, a chemiluminescent alkaline phosphatase substrate, for detection. The described nonradioactive technique for acetylcholinesterase mRNA determination is as sensitive as the radioactive one, but requires no protection against radiation and is less time consuming. Because of higher stability of the labeled probe, nonradioactive technique is also more convenient from the standpoint of experimental planning.

PubMedSearch : Zajc_2000_Pflugers.Arch_439_R66
PubMedID: 10653146

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Citations formats

Zajc Kreft K, Kreft S, Komel R, Grubic Z (2000)
Nonradioactive northern blotting for the determination of acetylcholinesterase mRNA. Comparison to the radioactive technique
Pflugers Arch 439 :R66

Zajc Kreft K, Kreft S, Komel R, Grubic Z (2000)
Pflugers Arch 439 :R66