

Title : [Initial experience with the administration of 7-methoxyacrine to patients with psychological disorders] - Zapletalek_1989_Cesk.Psychiatr_85_155
Author(s) : Zapletalek M , Hanus H , Fusek J , Hrdina V
Ref : Cesk Psychiatr , 85 :155 , 1989
Abstract :

The cholinomimemtic substance 7-methoxyacrine was administered to eight patients, incl. 5 patients with tardive dyskinesias after neuroleptic drugs. In all patients an europhorizing effect was recorded, all five patients with tardive dyskinesias improved markedly after a single dose, in one female patient after repeated administration symptoms of tardive dyskinesia were eliminated. The incidence of side effects is minimal. Based on our modest experience we consider 7-methoxyacrine an important extension of therapeutic possibilities, in particular in tardive dyskinesias. The authors plan to test 7-methoxyacrine also in other indications, in particular in Alzheimer's disease and in side-effects caused by psychopharmaceutical preparations.

PubMedSearch : Zapletalek_1989_Cesk.Psychiatr_85_155
PubMedID: 2766394

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Zapletalek M, Hanus H, Fusek J, Hrdina V (1989)
[Initial experience with the administration of 7-methoxyacrine to patients with psychological disorders]
Cesk Psychiatr 85 :155

Zapletalek M, Hanus H, Fusek J, Hrdina V (1989)
Cesk Psychiatr 85 :155