

Title : Activation of acetylcholinesterase by aluminium(III): the relevance of the metal species - Zatta_1994_Neuroreport_5_1777
Author(s) : Zatta P , Zambenedetti P , Bruna V , Filippi B
Ref : Neuroreport , 5 :1777 , 1994
Abstract :

The present paper reports how aluminium [Al(III)] at a concentration of 3.7 microM can activate the bovine erythrocytic enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) by about 38% in vitro. This same activating effect was observed on AChE form human as well as from rat erythrocyte ghosts and murine neuroblastoma cells. The interaction between Al3+ and gamma-peripheral sites of the enzyme produces AChE structural modifications as evidenced by circular dichroism measurements. This may provide a molecular explanation of the raised enzymatic activity.

PubMedSearch : Zatta_1994_Neuroreport_5_1777
PubMedID: 7827330

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Citations formats

Zatta P, Zambenedetti P, Bruna V, Filippi B (1994)
Activation of acetylcholinesterase by aluminium(III): the relevance of the metal species
Neuroreport 5 :1777

Zatta P, Zambenedetti P, Bruna V, Filippi B (1994)
Neuroreport 5 :1777