

Title : Naked-eye sensitive detection of nanoPET by pH-responsive colorimetric method based on dual-enzyme catalysis - Zhan_2024_Environ.Int_186_108598
Author(s) : Zhan W , Wang C , Yang X , Li H , Xiong S , Li X
Ref : Environ Int , 186 :108598 , 2024
Abstract :

A pH-responsive colorimetric method based on dual-enzyme catalysis for rapid and facile detection and quantification of nanoPET at environment-dependent concentration is proposed. The nanoPET was hydrolyzed by the synergistic catalysis of cutinase and lipase to terephthalic acid which can be sensitive detected using bromocresol purple as the indicator. The color changed from purple to bright yellow as the nanoPET detection concentration increased from 0 mg/mL to 2 mg/mL which can be detected by UV-Vis. This naked-eye method has a high sensitivity for nanoPET detection with the visual detection cutoff of 31.00 microg/mL, and has a good linearity in the range of 0 - 1 mg/mL with LOD of 22.84 microg/mL. The reliability of this method is verified in the detection of nanoPET in lake water and beer samples, with an average recovery of 87.1 %. The as-developed dual-enzyme colorimetric chemosensor holds promising potential as a robust and effective platform for the sensitive detection of nanoPET.

PubMedSearch : Zhan_2024_Environ.Int_186_108598
PubMedID: 38531236

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Citations formats

Zhan W, Wang C, Yang X, Li H, Xiong S, Li X (2024)
Naked-eye sensitive detection of nanoPET by pH-responsive colorimetric method based on dual-enzyme catalysis
Environ Int 186 :108598

Zhan W, Wang C, Yang X, Li H, Xiong S, Li X (2024)
Environ Int 186 :108598