

Title : Butyrylcholinesterase nanocapsule as a long circulating bioscavenger with reduced immune response - Zhang_2016_J.Control.Release_230_73
Author(s) : Zhang P , Jain P , Tsao C , Sinclair A , Sun F , Hung HC , Bai T , Wu K , Jiang S
Ref : J Control Release , 230 :73 , 2016
Abstract :

Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) is the most promising bioscavenger candidate to treat or prevent organophosphate (OP) poisoning. However, the clinical application of BChE is limited by two obstacles: an inadequate circulation half-life and limited sources for production. Although several modification technologies including glycosylation and PEGylation have been developed to improve its pharmacokinetics, none of them have been able to outperform blood-derived native BChE. In this work, we designed a long-circulating bioscavenger nanogel by coating equine serum-derived BChE with a zwitterionic polymer gel layer. This zwitterionic gel coating protected BChE from denaturation and degradation under harsh conditions. Notably, the nanocapsule exhibited a long circulation half-life of ~45h, a three-fold increase from the unmodified native version, enabling both therapeutic and prophylactic applications. In addition, the gel coating reduced the immunogenicity of equine BChE, unlocking the possibility to use non-human derived BChE as an OP bioscavenger in humans.

PubMedSearch : Zhang_2016_J.Control.Release_230_73
PubMedID: 27063423

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Citations formats

Zhang P, Jain P, Tsao C, Sinclair A, Sun F, Hung HC, Bai T, Wu K, Jiang S (2016)
Butyrylcholinesterase nanocapsule as a long circulating bioscavenger with reduced immune response
J Control Release 230 :73

Zhang P, Jain P, Tsao C, Sinclair A, Sun F, Hung HC, Bai T, Wu K, Jiang S (2016)
J Control Release 230 :73