

Title : Attenuation of virulence in multiple serotypes (M1, M3, and M28) of Group A Streptococcus after the loss of secreted esterase - Zhang_2021_J.Microbiol.Immunol.Infect__
Author(s) : Zhang X , Zhao Y , Wang Y , Cai M , Song Y , Zhu H
Ref : J Microbiol Immunol Infect , : , 2021
Abstract :

INTRODUCTION: Group A Streptococcus (GAS) can produce streptococcal secreted esterase (Sse), which inhibits neutrophil recruitment to the site of infection and is crucial for GAS pathogenesis. As an effective esterase, Sse hydrolyzes the sn-2 ester bond of human platelet-activating factor, inactivating it and abolishing its ability to recruit neutrophils. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sse deletion on the virulence of multiple serotypes of GAS. METHODS: Isogenic strains that lack the sse gene (deltasse) were derived from the parent strains MGAS5005 (serotype M1, CovRS mutant), MGAS2221 (serotype M1, wild-type CovRS), MGAS315 (serotype M3, CovRS mutant) and MGAS6180 (serotype M28, wild-type CovRS) and were used to study the differences in virulence and pathogenicity of GAS serotypes. RESULTS: In a subcutaneous infection model, mice infected with MGAS5005(deltasse) exhibited higher survival rates but decreased dissemination to the organs compared with mice infected with MGAS5005. When mice were infected with the four deltasse mutants, the MPO activity and IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-2 and IL-6 levels increased, but the skin lesion sizes decreased. In an intraperitoneal infection model, the absence of Sse significantly reduced the virulence of GAS, leading to increased mouse survival rates and decreased GAS burdens in the organs in most of the challenge experiments. In addition, the numbers of the four deltasse mutants were greatly reduced 60 min after incubation with isolated rat neutrophils. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that Sse participates in the pathogenesis of multiple GAS serotypes (MGAS5005, MGAS2221, MGAS315 and MGAS6180), particularly the hypervirulent CovS mutant strains MGAS5005 and MGAS315. These strain differences were positively correlated with the virulence of the serotype.

PubMedSearch : Zhang_2021_J.Microbiol.Immunol.Infect__
PubMedID: 34674958

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Citations formats

Zhang X, Zhao Y, Wang Y, Cai M, Song Y, Zhu H (2021)
Attenuation of virulence in multiple serotypes (M1, M3, and M28) of Group A Streptococcus after the loss of secreted esterase
J Microbiol Immunol Infect :

Zhang X, Zhao Y, Wang Y, Cai M, Song Y, Zhu H (2021)
J Microbiol Immunol Infect :