

Title : Effects of scopolamine and physostigmine on acquisition of morphine-treated rats in Morris water maze performance - Zheng_2002_Acta.Pharmacol.Sin_23_477
Author(s) : Zheng XG , Li XW , Yang XY , Sui N
Ref : Acta Pharmacol Sin , 23 :477 , 2002
Abstract :

AIM: To investigate effects of morphine on acquisition process of rats a nd interactions of opioid and cholinergic systems by Morris water maze performance.
METHODS: Morris water maze was used to measure the latency of rats with drug s treatment to find the covert platform.
RESULTS: Chronic morphine administration (10 mg/kg) impaired the acquisition process of rats in Morris water maze task. Appreciable difference was identified with morphine 10 mg/k g group compared with morphine 3 mg/kg group. Co-administration of morphine (10 mg/kg) and scopolamine (3 mg/kg) aggravated acquisition impairment induced by morphine 1 0 mg/kg or scopolamine alone, though scopolamine itself induced no salient changes in acquisition capabilities of rats. In addition, physostigmine (0.1 mg/kg) could appreciably attenuate morphine-induced acquisition impairment. CONCLUSION: Morphine 10 mg/kg evidently impaired acquisition process of rats. There was a close relationship between the acquisition capabilities of morphine-treated rats and the functions of cholinergic system.

PubMedSearch : Zheng_2002_Acta.Pharmacol.Sin_23_477
PubMedID: 11978201

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Zheng XG, Li XW, Yang XY, Sui N (2002)
Effects of scopolamine and physostigmine on acquisition of morphine-treated rats in Morris water maze performance
Acta Pharmacol Sin 23 :477

Zheng XG, Li XW, Yang XY, Sui N (2002)
Acta Pharmacol Sin 23 :477