

Title : Characteristics of a lipase ArEstA with lytic activity against drug-resistant pathogen from a novel myxobacterium, Archangium lipolyticum sp. nov - Zhou_2024_Front.Microbiol_14_1320827
Author(s) : Zhou Y , Chen H , Jiang H , Yao Q , Zhu H
Ref : Front Microbiol , 14 :1320827 , 2024
Abstract : Zhou_2024_Front.Microbiol_14_1320827
ESTHER : Zhou_2024_Front.Microbiol_14_1320827
PubMedSearch : Zhou_2024_Front.Microbiol_14_1320827
PubMedID: 38239728
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-ArEstA

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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-ArEstA

Citations formats

Zhou Y, Chen H, Jiang H, Yao Q, Zhu H (2024)
Characteristics of a lipase ArEstA with lytic activity against drug-resistant pathogen from a novel myxobacterium, Archangium lipolyticum sp. nov
Front Microbiol 14 :1320827

Zhou Y, Chen H, Jiang H, Yao Q, Zhu H (2024)
Front Microbiol 14 :1320827