

Title : [Inhibition of cholinesterases of varying origin by ordinary and betaine vinylphosphates] - Zhukovskii_1996_Ukr.Biokhim.Zh_68_15
Author(s) : Zhukovskii Iu G , Kuznetsova LP , Sochilina EE , Dmitrieva EN , Gololobov Iu G , Bykovskaia E
Ref : Ukr Biokhim Zh , 68 :15 , 1996
Abstract :

The comparative study of irreversible inhibitory action of some substituted vinyl-phosphates (in usual and betaine forms on cholinesterases from different biological sources such as the human blood erythrocytes, the horse and the hen blood serum and optic ganglia of the squid) has been carried out. It is shown that betaines obtain lesser inhibitory activity as compared with the corresponding ordinary vinylphosphates. Some of tested inhibitors display expressed selectivity of action. So, the compound GL-2 reacts with cholinesterase of optic ganglia of the squid 450 000 times faster than with cholinesterase of the hen blood serum. The application of vinylphosphates as inhibitors of cholinesterases allows displaying additional differences in properties of enzymes. It is very important for comparative enzymology. These compounds may be used for detalization of type belonging and to make the classification of cholinesterases more accurate. Moreover, the estimation of anticholinesterase activity of vinylphosphates is important because these compounds may be used both in medicine and agriculture.

PubMedSearch : Zhukovskii_1996_Ukr.Biokhim.Zh_68_15
PubMedID: 9229847

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Zhukovskii Iu G, Kuznetsova LP, Sochilina EE, Dmitrieva EN, Gololobov Iu G, Bykovskaia E (1996)
[Inhibition of cholinesterases of varying origin by ordinary and betaine vinylphosphates]
Ukr Biokhim Zh 68 :15

Zhukovskii Iu G, Kuznetsova LP, Sochilina EE, Dmitrieva EN, Gololobov Iu G, Bykovskaia E (1996)
Ukr Biokhim Zh 68 :15