

Title : Late-Stage Conversion of Diphenylphosphonate to Fluorophosphonate Probes for the Investigation of Serine Hydrolases - d'Andrea_2019_Cell.Chem.Biol_26_878
Author(s) : d'Andrea FB , Townsend CA
Ref : Cell Chemical Biology , 26 :878 , 2019
Abstract :

Diphenylphosphonates (DPPs) have been used for 50 years to inactivate serine hydrolases, creating adducts representative of tetrahedral intermediates of this important class of enzymes. Failure to react at active site serine residues, however, can thwart their usefulness. Here, we describe a facile route and allied mechanistic studies to highly reactive, structurally complex organofluorophosphonates (FPs) by direct fluorinative hydrolysis of DPPs. Advantages over current preparations of FPs are exemplified by the synthesis of a beta-lactam-containing peptide substrate analog capable of modifying the C-terminal, dual-function thioesterase involved in nocardicin A biosynthesis. Although this serine hydrolase was found to resist modification by classic DPP inhibitors, active site selective phosphonylation by the corresponding FP occurs rapidly to form a stable adduct. This simple, late-stage method enables the ready preparation of FP probes that retain important structural motifs of native substrates, thus promoting efforts in mechanistic enzymology by accessing biologically relevant enzyme-inhibitor co-structures.

PubMedSearch : d'Andrea_2019_Cell.Chem.Biol_26_878
PubMedID: 30982751
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9noca-q5j1q6

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d'Andrea FB, Townsend CA (2019)
Late-Stage Conversion of Diphenylphosphonate to Fluorophosphonate Probes for the Investigation of Serine Hydrolases
Cell Chemical Biology 26 :878

d'Andrea FB, Townsend CA (2019)
Cell Chemical Biology 26 :878