de Eugenio_2017_Biotechnol.Biofuels_10_161


Title : Differential beta-glucosidase expression as a function of carbon source availability in Talaromyces amestolkiae: a genomic and proteomic approach - de Eugenio_2017_Biotechnol.Biofuels_10_161
Author(s) : de Eugenio LI , Mendez-Liter JA , Nieto-Dominguez M , Alonso L , Gil-Munoz J , Barriuso J , Prieto A , Martinez MJ
Ref : Biotechnol Biofuels , 10 :161 , 2017
Abstract :

BACKGROUND: Genomic and proteomic analysis are potent tools for metabolic characterization of microorganisms. Although cellulose usually triggers cellulase production in cellulolytic fungi, the secretion of the different enzymes involved in polymer conversion is subjected to different factors, depending on growth conditions. These enzymes are key factors in biomass exploitation for second generation bioethanol production. Although highly effective commercial cocktails are available, they are usually deficient for beta-glucosidase activity, and genera like Penicillium and Talaromyces are being explored for its production. RESULTS: This article presents the description of Talaromyces amestolkiae as a cellulase-producer fungus that secretes high levels of beta-glucosidase. beta-1,4-endoglucanase, exoglucanase, and beta-glucosidase activities were quantified in the presence of different carbon sources. Although the two first activities were only induced with cellulosic substrates, beta-glucosidase levels were similar in all carbon sources tested. Sequencing and analysis of the genome of this fungus revealed multiple genes encoding beta-glucosidases. Extracellular proteome analysis showed different induction patterns. In all conditions assayed, glycosyl hydrolases were the most abundant proteins in the supernatants, albeit the ratio of the diverse enzymes from this family depended on the carbon source. At least two different beta-glucosidases have been identified in this work: one is induced by cellulose and the other one is carbon source-independent. The crudes induced by Avicel and glucose were independently used as supplements for saccharification of slurry from acid-catalyzed steam-exploded wheat straw, obtaining the highest yields of fermentable glucose using crudes induced by cellulose. CONCLUSIONS: The genome of T. amestolkiae contains several genes encoding beta-glucosidases and the fungus secretes high levels of this activity, regardless of the carbon source availability, although its production is repressed by glucose. Two main different beta-glucosidases have been identified from proteomic shotgun analysis. One of them is produced under different carbon sources, while the other is induced in cellulosic substrates and is a good supplement to Celluclast in saccharification of pretreated wheat straw.

PubMedSearch : de Eugenio_2017_Biotechnol.Biofuels_10_161
PubMedID: 28649280
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9euro-a0a364kqt9 , 9euro-a0a364kx24 , 9euro-a0a364lde5 , 9euro-a0a364kr31 , 9euro-a0a364kue4

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de Eugenio LI, Mendez-Liter JA, Nieto-Dominguez M, Alonso L, Gil-Munoz J, Barriuso J, Prieto A, Martinez MJ (2017)
Differential beta-glucosidase expression as a function of carbon source availability in Talaromyces amestolkiae: a genomic and proteomic approach
Biotechnol Biofuels 10 :161

de Eugenio LI, Mendez-Liter JA, Nieto-Dominguez M, Alonso L, Gil-Munoz J, Barriuso J, Prieto A, Martinez MJ (2017)
Biotechnol Biofuels 10 :161