Title : Consumption trends for specific drugs used to treat dementia in the region of Madrid (Spain) from 2002 to 2012 - de Hoyos-Alonso_2015_Neurologia_30_416 |
Author(s) : de Hoyos-Alonso MC , Tapias-Merino E , Meseguer Barros CM , Sanchez-Martinez M , Otero A |
Ref : Neurologia , 30 :416 , 2015 |
Abstract :
INTRODUCTION: Analysing drug consumption in large population groups lets us observe consumption trends and compare them between different settings. OBJECTIVE: to analyse the time trends for consumption and costs of specific drugs used to treat dementia in the region of Madrid (Spain) and compare trends by sex and age cohort. |
PubMedSearch : de Hoyos-Alonso_2015_Neurologia_30_416 |
PubMedID: 24704249 |
de Hoyos-Alonso MC, Tapias-Merino E, Meseguer Barros CM, Sanchez-Martinez M, Otero A (2015)
Consumption trends for specific drugs used to treat dementia in the region of Madrid (Spain) from 2002 to 2012
30 :416
de Hoyos-Alonso MC, Tapias-Merino E, Meseguer Barros CM, Sanchez-Martinez M, Otero A (2015)
30 :416