

Title : Topographic maps and molecular gradients - Sanes_1993_Curr.Opin.Neurobiol_3_67
Author(s) : Sanes JR
Ref : Current Opinion Neurobiology , 3 :67 , 1993
Abstract :

Topographically organized patterns of connectivity occur throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems. It is commonly supposed that gradients of recognition molecules underlie this form of synaptic specificity. Recent studies have led to new ideas about how such gradients might arise in the retinotectal system, and initiated molecular analyses of position-dependent gene expression in the peripheral motor system.

PubMedSearch : Sanes_1993_Curr.Opin.Neurobiol_3_67
PubMedID: 8453292

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Sanes JR (1993)
Topographic maps and molecular gradients
Current Opinion Neurobiology 3 :67

Sanes JR (1993)
Current Opinion Neurobiology 3 :67