2 Alpha/beta hydrolase fold proteins and 0 fragments are known to date in Homo sapiens
Taxonomy of Chlorella sorokiniana
NCBI Tax ID at NCBI: 3076, NCBI Tax ID in ESTHER for more genes: 3076,
cellular organisms, Eukaryota, Viridiplantae, Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorellales, Chlorellaceae, Chlorella, core chlorophytes, Chlorella clade, Chlorella sorokiniana
Gene_locus | Family | Description |
chlso-a0a2p6tvy7 | ABHD13-BEM46 | Chlorella sorokiniana (Freshwater green alga). Bem46 |
chlso-a0a2p6u418 | Glutamyl_Peptidase_S9 | Chlorella sorokiniana (Freshwater green alga). Glutamyl chloroplastic |
Gene_Locus fragment | Family | Description |
No result |