1 Alpha/beta hydrolase fold proteins and 0 fragments are known to date in Homo sapiens
Taxonomy of Tropaeolum majus
NCBI Tax ID at NCBI: 4020, NCBI Tax ID in ESTHER for more genes: 4020,
cellular organisms, Eukaryota, Viridiplantae, Streptophyta, Streptophytina, Embryophyta, Tracheophyta, Euphyllophyta, Spermatophyta, Magnoliophyta, Mesangiospermae, eudicotyledons, Gunneridae, Pentapetalae, rosids, malvids, Brassicales, Tropaeolaceae, Tropaeolum, Tropaeolum majus
Gene_locus | Family | Description |
troma-q6r749 | Palmitoyl-protein_thioesterase | Tropaeolum majus (Common nasturtium) putative palmitoyl-protein thioesterase |
Gene_Locus fragment | Family | Description |
No result |