

Type : Natural

Chemical_Nomenclature :

Canonical SMILES :

InChI :

InChIKey :

Other name(s) : Everninic acid  ||  2-hydroxy-4-methoxy-6-methylbenzoic acid  ||  Everninsaure  ||  2,6-Cresotic acid, 4-methoxy-  ||  SCHEMBL609931  ||  CHEMBL1077577  ||  CHEBI:191109

MW : 182.17

Formula : C9H10O4

CAS_number : 570-10-5

PubChem : 586575

UniChem :


Structures : No structure

Families : No family

References (2)

Title : The use of immobilized cells to stabilize orsellinate depside hydrolase of Pseudevernia furfuracea - Garcia-Junceda_1986_Plant.Cell.Rep_5_155
Author(s) : Garcia-Junceda E , Vicente C
Ref : Plant Cell Rep , 5 :155 , 1986
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Garcia-Junceda_1986_Plant.Cell.Rep_5_155
PubMedID: 24248058

Title : A Simple Assay Demonstrating the Effect of Rehydration on the Orsellinate Depside Hydrolase Activity of Evernia prunastri - Gonzalez_1984_J.Plant.Physiol_116_219
Author(s) : Gonzalez A , Vicente C , Estrella Legaz M
Ref : J Plant Physiol , 116 :219 , 1984
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gonzalez_1984_J.Plant.Physiol_116_219
PubMedID: 23195149