Giles_1967_Vox.Sang_13_171 Studies on the Yt blood group system
Wells_1967_J.Pharm.Sci_56_1190 Synthesis of aldoxime analogs of arecoline as reactivators of organophosphorus inhibited cholinesterase
Ellman_1967_J.Lab.Clin.Med_70_518 Disulfide and sulfhydryl compounds in TCA extracts of human blood and plasma
Jacks_1967_Anal.Biochem_21_279 Fluorometric assay for the hydrolytic activity of lipase using fatty acyl esters of 4-methylumbelliferone
Torda_1967_Anesthesiology_28_1010 The interactions of neuromuscular blocking agents in man: the role of hexafluorenium
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Casterline_1967_J.Lab.Clin.Med_69_325 The detection of cholinesterase inhibition in erythrocytes of rats fed low levels of the carbamate Banol
Bransby-Williams_1967_East.Afr.Med.J_44_205 Bromophos and bromophos ethyl as larvicides against Culex pipiens fatigans in clear and polluted water
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Greenspan_1967_Fed.Proc_26_448 Effect of fluoride on the reaction of acetylcholinesterase with dimethylcarbamylcholine
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Cheymol_1967_C.R.Seances.Soc.Biol.Fil_161_58 [Action of procaine amide and of some related tertiary amines on the temperature of the white rat and its resistance to hypoxia]
Hazard_1967_J.Physiol_59_5 Apparente identite de la cholinesterase et de la procainesterase seriques d'origine humaine
Hazard_1967_J.Physiol_59_9 La cholinesterase serique (d'origine humaine ou equine) exerce a l'egard de la procaine le meme effet hydrolysant que le serum
Brestkin_1967_Biokhimiia_32_1 Activating effect of tetramethylammonium ions on horse scrum cholinesterase
Milosevic_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_2435 Blood concentrations of N,N' -trimethylenebis (pyridinium-4-aldoxime) (TMB-4(Trimedoxime)) and NN'-oxydimethylenebis (pyridinium-4-aldoxime) (toxogenin) after intravenous and intramuscular administration in the dos
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Pryor_1967_J.Comp.Physiol.Psychol_63_236 Duration of chronic electroshock treatment in relation to brain weight, brain chemistry, and behavior
Gutsche_1967_Nature_215_322 Hereditary deficiency of pseudo-cholinesterase in Eskimos
Altland_1967_Humangenetik_4_127 Pseudocholinesterase-variants in Thailand and Japan
Kravica_1967_Exp.Parasitol_21_240 Acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase in the liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica)
Venkov_1967_Dokl.Bolg.Akad.Nauk_20_863 Effect of nivalin on the activity of ali-esterases, acetyl and butyrylcholinesterase of rabbit spinal chord
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Karczmar_1967_Annu.Rev.Pharmacol_7_241 Neuromuscular pharmacology
Karczmar_1967_Laval.Med_38_465 Multiple mechanisms of action of drugs at the neuromyal junction as studied in the light of the phenomenon of reversal
Blaber_1967_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_156_55 Interaction between facilitating and depolarizing drugs at the neuromyal junction of the cat
Kim_1967_Int.J.Neuropharmacol_6_51 Adaptation of the neuromuscular junction to constant concentrations of ACh
Karczmar_1967_Fed.Proc_26_1186 Behavioral responses to drugs and brain catecholamine levels in mice of different strains and genera
Toppozada_1967_Bull.World.Health.Organ_36_937 Resistance of the housefly (Musca domestica L.) to insecticides in Egypt
Quintana_1967_J.Med.Chem_10_1178 Substituted 1-benzyl-3-(N,N-diethylcarbamoyl)-piperidine cholinesterase inhibitors. Relationships between molecular constitution, pKa' values, and partition coefficients
Beddoe_1967_Nature_216_706 Irreversible inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by dibenamine
Engelhard_1967_Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.Engl_6_615 Acetylcholinesterase
Marshall_1967_J.Bacteriol_94_812 In vitro acetylcholinesterase inhibition by type A botulinum toxin
Rogne_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_1853 The reaction of acetylcholinesterase with phosphylated oximes
Benveniste_1967_Acta.Anaesthesiol.Scand_11_297 Tacrine inhibition of serum cholinesterase and prolonged succinylcholine action
Cross_1967_Arch.Neurol_16_1 The mast syndrome. A recessively inherited form of presenile dementia with motor disturbances
Macdonald_1967_Br.J.Anaesth_39_629 Dual block following tacrine and suxamethonium
Norum_1967_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_144_698 Familial serum-cholesterol esterification failure. A new inborn error of metabolism
Giordano_1967_Mol.Pharmacol_3_307 Quantum mechanical calculation of stability in 2-formyl N-methyl pyridinium (cation) oxime (2-PAM+) conformers
Reiner_1967_Biochem.J_105_171 Effect of pH on inhibition and spontaneous reactivation of acetylcholinesterase treated with esters of phosphorus acids and of carbamic acids
Lewis_1967_J.Physiol_191_215 Confirmation from choline acetylase analyses of a massive cholinergic innervation to the rat hippocampus
Silver_1967_Int.Rev.Neurobiol_10_57 Cholinesterases of the central nervous system with special reference to the cerebellum
Henricson_1967_Hereditas_57_178 Causes of individual variation in arylesterase activity in blood plasma in rats
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Galindo_1967_J.Physiol_192_359 Micro-iontophoretic studies on neurones in the cuneate nucleus
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Krnjevic_1967_Anesthesiology_28_100 Chemical transmission and cortical arousal
Krnjevic_1967_Exp.Brain.Res_3_320 The action of gamma-aminobutyric acid on cortical neurones
Krnjevic_1967_Exp.Brain.Res_3_306 Some properties of unresponsive cells in the cerebral cortex
Lee_1967_Circ.Res_21_439 Decreased Ca2+ uptake by sarcoplasmic reticulum after coronary artery occlusion for 60 and 90 minutes
Strasberg_1967_J.Neurochem_14_755 Penetration of blood-brain barrier by gamma-aminobutyric acid at sites of freezing
Yamamoto_1967_Int.J.Neuropharmacol_6_357 Cholinergic agonist-antagonist interactions on neocortical and limbic EEG activation
Dahlbom_1967_Acta.Pharm.Suec_4_247 Acetylene compounds of potential pharmacological value. IX. N-(4-dialkylamino-2-butynyl)-substituted carboxylic and sulphonic acid amides
Polak_1967_J.Physiol_191_34P The influence of antimuscarinic drugs on synthesis and release of acetylcholine by the isolated cerebral cortex of the rat
Polak_1967_Acta.Physiol.Pharmacol.Neerl_14_505 Uptake of acetylcholine by the isolated cerebral cortex of the rat
Bartolini_1967_Br.J.Pharmacol.Chemother_31_66 Investigations into the acetylcholine output from the cerebral cortex of the cat in the presence of hyoscine
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Bhatnagar_1967_Can.J.Physiol.Pharmacol_45_249 Effects of quaternary bases and inorganic cations on acetylcholine synthesis in nervous tissue
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Holmstedt_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_404 Relationship between acetylcholine and cholinesterase activity in the brain following an organophosphorus inhibitor
Pepeu_1967_Boll.Soc.Ital.Biol.Sper_43_1409 [Effect of some psychopharmacological agents on acetylcholine release from cerebral cortex in cats]
Schuberth_1967_Acta.Pharmacol.Toxicol.(Copenh)_25_Suppl 4:75 Incorporation of exogenous acetylcholine, choline and atropine in mouse brain cortex slices
Hoskin_1967_Science_156_966 Penetration of an organophosphorus compound into squid axon and its effects on metabolism and function
Dodge_1967_J.Physiol_193_419 Co-operative action a calcium ions in transmitter release at the neuromuscular junction
Dodge_1967_J.Physiol_189_90P On the relationship between calcium concentration and the amplitude of the end-plate potential
Karlin_1967_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_139_358 Chemical distinctions between acetylcholinesterase and the acetylcholine receptor
Karlin_1967_J.Theor.Biol_16_306 On the application of a plausible model of allosteric proteins to the receptor for acetylcholine
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Bloedel_1967_J.Physiol_188_52P Transmission across the squid giant synapse in the presence of tetrodotoxin
Katz_1967_Nature_215_651 Ionic requirements of synaptic transmitter release
Katz_1967_Proc.R.Soc.Lond.B.Biol.Sci_167_1 Modification of transmitter release by electrical interference with motor nerve endings
Katz_1967_Proc.R.Soc.Lond.B.Biol.Sci_167_23 The release of acetylcholine from nerve endings by graded electric pulses
Katz_1967_J.Physiol_192_407 A study of synaptic transmission in the absence of nerve impulses
Katz_1967_Proc.R.Soc.Lond.B.Biol.Sci_167_8 Tetrodotoxin and neuromuscular transmission
Katz_1967_J.Physiol_189_535 The timing of calcium action during neuromuscular transmission
Azcurra_1967_Int.J.Neuropharmacol_6_15 Binding of dimethyl-C14-d-tubocurarine, methyl-C14-hexamethonium, and H3-alloferine by isolated synaptic membranes of brain cortex
Belleau_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_139_580 Stereochemistry of adrenergic receptors: newer concepts on the molecular mechanism of action of catecholamines and antiadrenergic drugs at the receptor level
De Robertis_1967_Science_156_907 Ultrastructure and cytochemistry of the synaptic region. The macromolecular components involved in nerve transmission are being studied
De Robertis_1967_Science_158_928 Cholinergic binding capacity of proteolipids from isolated nerve-ending membranes
Holland_1967_Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol_2_156 Use of fish brain acetylcholinesterase to monitor pollution by organophosphorus pesticides
Ivie_1967_Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol_2_34 The use of sodium bicarbonate-C(14) to determine cholinesterase activity
Lapetina_1967_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_135_33 Gangliosides and acetylcholinesterase in isolated membranes of the rat-brain cortex
Voss_1967_Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol_2_357 A Fast and simple procedure for routine determinations of plasma cholinesterase activities
Cox_1967_Br.J.Pharmacol.Chemother_31_356 The effect of ambient temperature on the actions of tremorine on body temperature and on the concentration of noradrenaline, dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and acetylcholine in rat brain
Cheymol_1967_C.R.Acad.Sci.Hebd.Seances.Acad.Sci.D_264_2597 [Comparative toxicities (Mammals, Insects, Arachnida) of new S,S-dimethyl S-benzyl substituted derivatives of tri-and tetrathiophosphoric acids]
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Potter_1967_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_156_500 A radiometric microassay of acetylcholinesterase
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Sethy_1967_Indian.J.Med.Sci_21_461 Effect of antihypertensive drugs on acetylcholine content of whole rat brain
Smith_1967_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_156_227 The stimulation of canine prostatic secretion by sympathomimetic amines
Pappano_1967_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_157_346 Actions of lithium ions in mammalian sympathetic ganglia
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Gerschenfeld_1967_Nature_213_358 Two different excitatory transmitters acting on a single molluscan neurone
Huxley_1967_J.Gen.Physiol_50_Suppl:71 Recent x-ray diffraction and electron microscope studies of striated muscle
Huxley_1967_J.Mol.Biol_30_383 The low-angle x-ray diagram of vertebrate striated muscle and its behaviour during contraction and rigor
Kandel_1967_J.Neurophysiol_30_1352 Direct and common connections among identified neurons in Aplysia
Tauc_1967_Physiol.Rev_47_521 Transmission in invertebrate and vertebrate ganglia
Tauc_1967_Nature_214_724 Heterosynaptic facilitation as a distinct mechanism in aplysia
Wachtel_1967_Science_158_1206 A direct synaptic connection mediating both excitation and inhibition
Hebb_1967_Nature_214_284 Parallel bioassay as a method of identifying acetylcholine
Gough_1967_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_11_12 A comparative toxicologic study of a phosphorodithioate in Japanese and bobwhite quail
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Brimblecombe_1967_Int.J.Neuropharmacol_6_423 Hyperthermic effects of some tryptamine derivatives in relation to their behavioural activity
De Groat_1967_Exp.Brain.Res_3_299 An excitatory action 0f 5-hydroxytryptamine on sympathetic preganglionic neurones
Albanus_1967_Acta.Pharmacol.Toxicol.(Copenh)_25_Suppl 4:73 Evaluation of the central effects of atropine in the dog
Lissitzky_1967_J.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab_27_185 Congenital goiter with hypothyroidism and iodo-serum albumin replacing thyroglobulin
Haisman_1967_Biochem.J_103_528 The enzymic hydrolysis of amygdalin
Almasi_1967_Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.Engl_6_863 Synthesis of asymmetric O,O,O,O-tetraalkyl dithiopyrophosphates
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Filogamo_1967_Arch.Biol.(Liege)_78_9 The development of neuro-muscular correlations, in vertebrates
Filogamo_1967_Acta.Embryol.Morphol.Exp_9_274 Effects of spinal cord removal on the earliest AChE activity of the myotomes in the chick embryo
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Metcalf_1967_J.Econ.Entomol_60_445 Metabolism of C-14-labeled carbamate insecticides to C14-O2 in the house fly
Morgan_1967_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_146_314 The lipolytic enzymes of rat pancreatic juice
Nemazie_1967_Anesthesiology_28_215 A quantitative technique for the evaluation of peripheral neuromuscular blockade in man
Adie_1967_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_139_180 The distribution of atropinesterase and homatropinesterase in rabbit and guinea-pig liver cell fractions and sera
Holmes_1967_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_132_379 The developmental multiplicity and isoenzyme status of cavian esterases
Holmes_1967_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_146_138 The developmental multiplicity and isoenzyme status of rat esterases
Nichols_1967_Science_155_477 Acetylcholinesterase: method for demonstration in amacrine cells of rabbit retina
Duffy_1967_Arch.Neurol_16_385 Cholinesterase in adult and embryonic hypothalamus. A combined cytochemical electron microscopic study
Tennyson_1967_J.Neuropathol.Exp.Neurol_26_136 Cholinesterase localization in the dorsal root ganglion of the rabbit embryo by electron microscopic histochemistry
Austin_1967_J.Neurochem_14_377 Incorporation of 14C-labelled leucine into synaptosomes from rat cerebral cortex in vitro
Davis_1967_J.Cell.Biol_34_157 Electron microscopic localization of acetylcholinesterase and nonspecific cholinesterase at the neuromuscular junction by the gold-thiocholine and gold-thiolacetic acid methods
Giacobini_1967_Acta.Physiol.Scand_69_355 Cholinesterase activity in innervated and denervated sympathetic ganglion cells of the cat
Brzin_1967_J.Cell.Biol_32_577 Cholinesterase activity of nodal and internodal regions of myelinated nerve fibers of frog
Metzger_1967_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_28_263 The acceleration of the acetylcholinesterase catalyzed hydrolysis of acetyl fluoride
Kitz_1967_Mol.Pharmacol_3_225 The reaction of acetylcholinesterase with diethylphosphoryl esters of quaternary and tertiary aminophenols
Kitz_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_2201 The reaction of acetylcholinesterase with O-dimethylcarbamyl esters of quaternary quinolinium compounds
Wilson_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_144_664 Conformation changes in acetylcholinesterase
Buckley_1967_Acta.Physiol.Scand_71_348 Cholinacetylase in innervated and denervated sympathetic ganglia and ganglion cells of the cat
Eranko_1967_J.Histochem.Cytochem_15_674 A thiocholine-lead ferrocyanide method for acetylcholinesterase
Gerebtzoff_1967_Acta.Histochem_26_318 Affinity for metallic salts and acetylcholinesterase activity at Ranvier nodes
McMahan_1967_Z.Zellforsch.Mikrosk.Anat_76_116 Fine structure of synapses in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral geniculate body of normal and blinded rats
Loo_1967_J.Neurochem_14_997 Pyridoxal kinase in brain and its inhibition by pyridoxylidene-beta- phenylethylamine
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Abou-Donia_1967_Comp.Biochem.Physiol_21_99 Fish brain cholinesterase: its inhibition by carbamates and automatic assay
Akerfeldt_1967_J.Med.Chem_10_115 Selenophosphorus compounds as powerful cholinesterase inhibitors
Angel_1967_Science_156_529 Heritability of plasma cholinesterase activity in inbred mouse strains
Arends_1967_Acta.Genet_17_13 Absence of variants of usual serum pseudocholinesterase (acylcholine acylhydrolase) in South American Indians
Ashani_1967_Isr.J.Chem_5_59 Reactivators of inhibited acetylcholinesterase. II. The preparation and properties of some new 4-hydroxyin-nomethyl-l-(N-aminoalkyl)-pyridinium salts
Barker_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_2181 Release of acetylcholine from isolated synaptic vesicles. 1. Methods for determining the amount released
Barnard_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_144_584 Determination of the number, distribution and some in situ properties of cholinesterase molecules in the motor end plate, using labeled inhibitor methods
Bauman_1967_Anal.Biochem_19_587 Stabilization of serum cholinesterase in dried starch gel
Beasley_1967_J.Med.Chem_10_76 The effect of piperidinecarboxamide derivatives on isolated human plasma cholinesterase. 3. Variation in the N'-hydrocarbon substituent
Becker_1967_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_147_289 The relationship of the structure of phosphonate esters to their ability to inhibit chymotrypsin, trypsin, acetylcholinesterase and C'Ia.
Bergman_1967_Histochemie_11_1 Ultrastructural demonstration of acetylcholinesterase activity of motor endplates via osmiophilic diazothioethers
Bieger_1967_J.Pharm.Pharmacol_19_844 Ionisation constants of cholinesterase-reactivating bispyridinium aldoximes
Blaber_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_144_571 Multiple cholinoceptive and related sites at the neuromuscular junction
Bloom_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_144_626 The fine structural localisation of cholinesterases in nervous tissue
Bockendahl_1967_Hoppe.Seylers.Z.Physiol.Chem_348_1027 Untersuchungen an der Acetylcholinesterase. VIII. Der Einfluss aliphatischer Alkahole auf die o-Nitro-phenyl-acetat Hydrolyse
Bourland_1967_Nature_214_846 Cholinesterase in melanocytes of the bat
Bracha_1967_Isr.J.Chem_5_121 Interaction of an amiton analog with true cholinesterase
Brodeur_1967_Can.J.Physiol.Pharmacol_45_621 Studies on factors influencing the acute toxicity of malathion and malaoxon in rats
Brzin_1967_Int.J.Neuropharmacol_6_265 Ultrastructural, cytochemical, and microgasometric studies of acetylcholinesterase in isolated neurons of the frog
Calesnick_1967_Arch.Environ.Health_15_599 Human toxicity of various oximes. 2-Pyridine aldoxime methyl chloride, its methane sulfonate salt, and 1,1'-trimethylenebis-(4-formylpyridinium chloride)
Callahan_1967_Am.J.Vet.Res_28_1509 Erythrocyte cholinesterase activity of domestic and laboratory animals: normal levels for nine species
Changeux_1967_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_58_2063 Affinity labelling of the acetylcholine-receptor
Cohen_1967_Arch.Int.Pharmacodyn_169_412 A comparative study of anticholinergic psychotomimetic agents in mice and dogs
Dettbarn_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_144_483 The acetylcholine system in peripheral nerve
Dubois_1967_Arch.Int.Pharmacodyn_169_108 Acute toxicity and mechanism of action of a cholinergie rodenticide
Duggan_1967_Science_157_1006 Dietary intake of pesticide chemicals
Duvoisin_1967_Neurology_17_1077 Cerebrospinal fluid acetylcholine in man
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Ehrenpreis_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_144_article 2: 383 Cholinergic mechanisms
El-Badawi_1967_J.Histochem.Cytochem_15_580 Histochemical methods for separate, consecutive and simultaneous demonstration of acetylcholinesterase and norepinephrine in cryostat sections
Epstein_1967_Anal.Chem_39_1136 Detection and estimation of organophosphorus compounds with hydroxamic acids using a chemical analog of the cholinesterase inhibition method
Eranko_1967_J.Histochem.Cytochem_15_399 Distribution of esterases in the myoneural junction of the striated muscle of the rat
Eranko_1967_J.Neurochem_14_947 Cholinesterases and eserine-resistant carboxylic esterases in degenerating and regenerating motor end plates of the rat
Ernko_1967_J.Histochem.Cytochem_15_674 A thiocholine-lead ferrocyanide method for acetylcholinesterase
Gabliks_1967_Proc.Soc.Exp.Biol.Med_125_1002 Responses of cell cultures to insecticides. IV. Relative toxicity of several organophosphates in mouse cell cultures
Ishii_1967_Int.Rev.Neurobiol_10_231 A comparative histochemical mapping of the distribution of acetylcholinesterase and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-diaphorase in the human brain
Juul_1967_Mil.Med_132_501 Cholinesterase inhibitors: pharmacology, symptoms of poisoning, and treatment. Studies on the cholinesterase activities in glaucoma patients
Koelle_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_144_613 Electron microscopie localization of cholinesterases by means of gold salts
Martin-Smith_1967_J.Pharm.Pharmacol_19_561 The possible role of conformational isomerism in the biological actions of acetylcholine
Michaelson_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_144_387 The subcellular distribution of acetylcholine, choline acetyltransferase and acetyl cholinesterase in nerve tissue
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Warner_1967_Bull.World.Health.Organ_36_181 Bio-assays for microchemical environmental contaminants with special reference to water supplies
Zech_1967_Arzneimittelforschung_17_1196 Grenzen der Therapie mit Oximen bei Vergiftungen mit insekticiden Alkylphosphaten
Ernst_1967_Anesthesiology_28_1085 A pharmacogenetic study of a family exhibiting a typical and silent genes for plasma cholinesterase
Fleisher_1967_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_156_345 Reactivation by pyridinium aldoxime methochloride (PAM) of inhibited cholinesterase activity in dogs after poisoning with pinacolyl methylphosophonofluoridate (soman)
Florey_1967_Comp.Biochem.Physiol_20_365 The clam heart bioassay for acetylcholine
Frady_1967_J.Parasitol_53_298 A radioisotopic assay of acetylcholinesterase in Fasciola hepatica
Fruentova_1967_Biokhimiia_32_341 Effect of salts on serum cholinesterase activity (English trans pp. 283,287)
Fukuto_1967_J.Agric.Food.Chem_15_273 Alkaline hydrolyses, anticholinesterase, and insecticidal properties of some nitro-substituted phenyl carbamates
Giacobini_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_144_646 Cholinergic and adrenergic cells in sympathetic ganglia
Goldberg_1967_Life.Sci_6_1493 A quantitative microchemical study of choline acetyltransferase in the cerebellum of several species
Goodyear_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_2044 Sulfur and selenium compounds related to acetylcholine and choline. VIII. Comparative studies of succinoyl choline, succinoyl-thiocholine and succinoylselenocholine
Gordon_1967_Nature_214_850 Solubilization of erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase by ultrasonic vibration
Graff_1967_J.Parasitol_53_1030 Specific acetylcholinesterase in Hymenolepis diminuta
Grarus_1967_Biochemistry_6_1034 Reversible aggregation of acetylcholinesterase. II. Interdependence of pH and ionic strength
Hadani_1967_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_10_313 Use of the chick embryo for testing the toxicity of cholinesterase-inhibiting compounds
Halton_1967_J.Parasitol_53_1210 Histochemical studies of carboxylic esterase activity in Fasciola hepatica
Harris_1967_Fed.Proc_26_427 Effects of increase in blood pH in dogs poisoned with soman and treated with atropine and PAM
Hartel_1967_Zeit.klin.Chem.klin.Biochem_5_26 Schnellbestimmung der Cholinesterase
Hassan_1967_Zeit.Naturforsch_22B_505 On the kinetics of inhibition of rat-brain acetylcholine esterase by sevin
Hein_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_567 Evaluation of kinetic constants for mixed inhibitors of cholinesterase
Hellenbrand_1967_J.Agric.Food.Chem_15_825 Inhibition of housefly acetylcholinesterase by carbainates
Hern_1967_Nature_215_963 Inhibition of true cholinesterase in TOCP poisoning with potentiation by 'Tween 80'
Herz_1967_Nature_214_497 Inactivation of erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase by penicillin
Herz_1967_Proc.Soc.Exp.Biol.Med_124_1185 Acetylcholinesterase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities in erythrocytes of fetal, newborn and adult sheep
Hobbiger_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_455 The reactivation by pyridinium aldoximes of phosphorylated acetylcholinesterase in the central nervous system
Hollingworth_1967_J.Agric.Food.Chem_15_235 Selectivity of sumithion compared with methyl parathion. Influence of structure on anticholinesterase activity
Hollingworth_1967_J.Agric.Food.Chem_15_242 The selectivity of sumithion compared with methyl parathion metabolism in the white mouse
Hollingworth_1967_J.Agric.Food.Chem_15_250 The selectivity of sumithion compared with methyl parathion. Metabolism in susceptible and resistant houseflies
Hollunger_1967_Acta.Pharmac.Toxicol_25_78 The occurrence of soluble acetylcholinesterases in mammalian brain
Humiston_1967_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_10_467 An automated method for the determination of cholinesterase activity
Ivanova_1967_Biokhimiia_32_975 Effect of sodium ions on the activity of acetylcholinesterase of erythrocytes(English trans. pp. 810-813)
Jenden_1967_Fed.Proc_26_296 Identification and micro-estimation of choline esters by gas chromatography
Jenkins_1967_Science_156_1748 Cholinesterase in plasma: first reported absence in the Bantu\; half-life determination
Juul_1967_Clin.Chem_13_416 Stability of plasma enzymes during storage
Karahasanoglu_1967_J.Lab.Clin.Med_70_343 Rapid screening test for serum cholinesterase
Kasa_1967_Acta.Histochem_28_274 Electron microscopie localisation of acetylcholinesterase in the superior cervical ganglion of the rat
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Knedel_1967_Klin.Wochenschr_45_325 Eine kinetische Methode zur Bestimmung der Aktivitat der Pseudocholinesterase (Acetylcholin-acylhydrolase
Koshland_1967_Natl.Cancer.Inst.Monogr_27_129 Cooperative phenomena and conformational changes
Kremer_1967_Isr.J.Chem_5_137 Extension of the rate equations for enzyme inhibition
Kremzner_1967_Fed.Proc_26_296 A partial purification and characterization of the acetylcholinesterase of human brain
Krupka_1967_Biochem.J_6_1183 Evidence for an intermediate in the acetylation reaction of acetylcholinesterase
Krvavica_1967_Exp.Parasitol_21_240 Acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase in the liver fluke
Kuhn_1967_Arch.Pharm.Ber.Dtsch.Pharm.Ges_300_363 [Synthesis, toxicity and cholinesterase inhibitory effect of N-methyl-pyridinium-2-aldoxime salts of phosphoric acid esters insecticides]
Laing_1967_Can.J.Biochem_45_1711 Purification and properties of the inducible cholinesterase of Pseudomonas fluorescens (Goldstein)
Lee_1967_J.Med.Genet_4_19 Agar diffusion test for serum cholinesterase typing and influence of temperature on dibucaine and Puoride numbers
Lee_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_941 The toxicity of haloxon to geese, ducks, and hens, and its relationship to the stability of the di-( 2-chloroethyl) phosphoryl cholinesterase derivatives
Leuzinger_1967_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_57_446 Acetylcholinesterase, I. Large-scale purification, homogeneity, and amino acid analysis
Leuzinger_1967_Science_156_540 Crystallization of acetylcholinesterase
Lewis_1967_Nature_213_205 In vitro anticholinesterase activity of certain N-methylcarbamate insecticides compared with their N-acyl derivatives
Lundin_1967_Acta.Chem.Scand_21_2663 Purification of a cholinesterase from the body muscle of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
Malaney_1967_Am.J.Pub.Health_57_2194 Acetylcholinesterase inhibition by micropollutants in drinking water
Maletta_1967_J.Neurochem_14_647 Acetylcholinesterase activity and protein content of brain and spinal cord in developing rats after prenatal X-irradiation
McCaman_1967_Am.J.Physiol_212_228 Choline acetyltransferase and cholinesterase activities in muscle of dystrophic mice
Michaeli_1967_Nature_213_77 Restoration of enzyme activity of heat-denatured acetylcholinesterase by antibodies to the native enzyme
Michel_1967_Arch.Biochem.Biophys_121_29 Ageing and dealkylation of soman (pinacolylmethylphos- phonofluoridate) -Inactivated eel cholinesterase
Mone_1967_Anaesthesia_22_55 Qualitative and quantitative defects of pseudo-cholinesterase activity
Morello_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_1703 Biochemical mechanisms in the toxicity of the geometrical isomers of two vinyl organophosphates
Mounter_1967_Fed.Proc_26_428 The inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by 2-pyridine aldoxime
Murphy_1967_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_156_352 Malathion inhibition of esterases as a determinant of malathion toxicity
Nabb_1967_Arch.Environ.Health_15_147 Determination of cholinesterase by an automated pH stat method
Nakatsugawa_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_25 Microsomal metabolism of parathion
Natoff_1967_J.Pharm.Pharmacol_19_612 Influence of the route of administration on the toxicity of some cholinesterase inhibitors
Neal_1967_Biochem.J_103_183 Studies on the metabolism of diethyl 4-nitrophenyl phosphorothionate (parathion) in vitro
Neal_1967_Biochem.J_105_289 Studies of the enzymic mechanism of the metabolism of diethyl 4-nitrophenyl phosphorothionate (parathion) by rat liver microsomes
Nicholson_1967_Science_158_871 Pesticide pollution control
Nishimura_1967_Nature_214_706 Antidotes in anticholinesterase poisoning
Nishi_1967_J.Neurophysiol_30_114 Release of acetylcholine from sympathetic preganglionic nerve terminale
O'brien_1967_Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol_2_163 Effects of induction by pentobarbital upon susceptibility of mice to insecticides
Oppenoorth_1967_Biochem.J_102_2 Biochemical mechanisms of insect resistance to anticholinesterases
Panitz_1967_J.Parasitol_53_354 Acetylcholinesterase activity in Fasciola hepatica Miracidia
Pavlic_1967_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_139_133 The inhibitory effect of tris on the activity of cholinesterases
Pilz_1967_Archiv.Toxikol_23_17 Die gleichzeitige Bestimmung der beiden Acetylcholin-esterasen im Rattenvollblut bei zwei verschiedenen pH-Werten
Pilz_1967_Hoppe.Seylers.Z.Physiol.Chem_348_73 Ester Spaltende Fermente der menlischen Lunge
Pilz_1967_Zeit.Klin.Chem_5_1 Die Cholinesterasen des menschlichen Serums unter besonderer Beruck-sichtigung neuester Ergebnisse
Podleski_1967_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_58_268 Distinction between the active site of acetylcholine-receptor and acetylcholinesterase
Potter_1967_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_156_500 A radiometric microassay of acetylctiolinesterase
Rabin_1967_Biochem.J_102_22 Co-operative effects in enzyme catalyses: a possible kinetic model based on substrate-induced conformation isomerization
Ramachandran_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_1381 Distribution of DF32P in mouse organs -III. Incorporation in the brain tissue
Ramachandran_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_2061 The influence of DFP, atropine and pyridinium aldoximes on the rate of clearance of diisopropyl phosphate (DI32P) from the mouse circulatory system
Rodriguez_1967_Acta.Histochem_27_1 Cholinesterases et Monoamine-oxidase dans le systeme nerveux central: Recherche histochimique
Rosenberg_1967_Science_155_1569 Acetylcholine receptor: similarity in axons and junctions
Sayek_1967_Turk.J.Pediatr_9_8 Pseudocholinesterases. III. The presence of pseudocholinesterase variants in a Turkish population
Scott_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_1903 Sulfur and selenium isologs related to acetylcholine and choline. IX. Further comparative studies of the pharmacological effects of acetylcholine and its thio and seleno analogs and their hydrolyses products
Silman_1967_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_58_1664 Effect of local pH change caused by substrate hydrolysis on the activity of membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase
Simpson_1967_J.Med.Genet_4_264 A second heterozygote for silent and fluoride resistant genes for serum cholinesterase
Smith_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_2438 Choline acetyltransferase inhibitors: A group of styryl-pyridine analogs
Smyth_1967_Exp.Med.Surg_25_1 The modification of various enzyme parameters in brain acetylcholine metabolism by chronic ingestion of ethanol
Sreenivasan_1967_Curr.Sci_36_397 Toxicity of six organophosphorus insecticides to fish
Tashian_1967_Am.J.HumanGenetics_19_524 Further studies on the Xavante Indians. V. Genetic variability in some serum and erythrocyte enzymes, hemoglobine and the urinary excretion of beta-aminoisobutyric acid
Teasley_1967_Environ.Sci.Technol_1_411 Identification of a cholinesterase-inhibiting compound from an industriel effluent
Thomas_1967_Mol.Pharmacol_3_103 Structural specificity of substrates of acetylcholinesterase
Tolkmith_1967_Science_155_85 Fungicidal phthalimidophosphonothionates
Tolkmith_1967_Science_158_1462 Imidazole: fungitoxic derivatives
Uchida_1967_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_10_89 Dimethoate degradation by human liver and its significance for acute toxicity
Wang_1967_J.Biol.Chem_242_2683 Oxime reactivation of diethylphosphoryl human serum cholinesterase
Waser_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_144_737 Receptor localisation by autoradiographic techniques
Weiss_1967_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_10_334 Enhancement of toxicity of anticholinesterases bv central depressant drugs in rats
Wheeler_1967_Biochem.J_105_5 Acetylcholinesterase activity in the surface membrane of rat liver
Whittaker_1967_Acta.Genet_17_1 The pseudocholinesterase variants. A study of fourteen families selected via the fluoride resistant phenotype
Williams_1967_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_11_302 Studies of toxicity and enzyme activity resulting from interaction between chlorinated hydrocarbon and carbamate insecticides
Wofsy_1967_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci_58_2296 Affinity labeling of the anionic site of acetylcholinesterase
Wolthuis_1967_Biochem.Pharmacol_16_361 The effects Of P2S, TMB4 and LUH6 on the rat phrenic nerve diaphragm preparation treated with soman or tabun
Yakovlev_1967_Biokhimiia_32_293 Causes of the effect of pH on cholinesterase activity English trans. pp. 243 250
Zapata_1967_Can.J.Physiol.Pharmacol_45_1021 Bioassay of acetylcholine on the sinus venosus of the frog
Zech_1967_Hoppe.Selyers.Z.Physiol.Chem_348_735 Acetylcholinesterase-Aktivitat im Serum des Elektrischen Aals
Zvirblis_1967_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_157_432 Prophylaxis against sarin poisoning in the rat by oral administration of praiidoxime chloride
Kerkut_1967_Brit.J.Pharmacol_30_644 The action of acetylcholine, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine on the spontaneous activity of the cells of Retzius of the leech, Hirudo medicinalis
Kerkut_1967_Comp.Biochem.Physiol_23_729 The transport of 14C-labelled material from CNS to muscle along a nerve trunk
Koenig_1967_J.Neurochem_14_437 Synthetic mechanisms in the axon - IV. In vitro incorporation of [3H] precursors into axonal protein and RNA
Larrabree_1967_Neurosci.Res.Prog.Bull_5_37 Phospholipid responses to physiological activity in isolated ganglia and nerve trunks
Lentz_1967_J.Morphol_121_323 Fine structure of nerve cells in a planarian
Lewis_1967_Brain_90_521 The cholinergic limbic system. Projections to hippocampal formation, medial cortex, nuclei of the ascending cholinergie reticular system, and the subfornical organ and supra-optic crest
Lubinska_1967_J.Anat_101_295 Acetylcholinesterase at muscle-tendon jonctions during postnatal development in rats
Maletta_1967_Exp.Neurol_19_513 Acetylcholinesterase activity in optic structures after complete light deprivation from birth
Mandelshtam_1967_Byull.Eksp.Biol.Med_63_633 Penetration of anticholinesterase compounds into the nervous system of the Asiatic locust (in Russian)
Mansingh_1967_Indian.J.Entomol_29_131 The cholinergie system during diapause and development of Rothschildia orizaba
Matsuura_1967_Histochemie_11_152 Histochemical observation of bovine spinal ganglia
McKinstry_1967_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therapap_157_319 Acetylcholine relcase from the cat superior cervical ganglion by carbachol
McLennan_1967_J.Physiol.London_189_393 The action of dopamine on neurones of the caudate nucleus
Namba_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_144_772 Cholinergic receptors in skeletal muscle, isolation and properties of muscle ribonucleoprotein with affinity for d-tubocurarine and acetylcholine, and binding activity of the subneural apparatus of motor end plates with divalent metal ions
Namba_1967_Am.J.Clin.Pathol_47_74 Staining for nerve fiber and cholinesterase activity in fresh frozen sections
Nicholas_1967_Ann.Biol.Clin.(Paris)_25_453 Sur les variations de l'activite pseudo-cholinesterase plasmatique au cours de l'evolution du tetanos
Palkama_1967_Ann.Med.Exptl.Biol.Fenn_45_295 Demonstration of adrenomedullary catecholamines and cbolinesterases at electron microscopic level in the same tissue section
Phillis_1967_Comp.Biochem.Physiol_23_541 The effects of topically applied cholinomimetic the isolated spinal cord of the toad
Phillis_1967_Brain.Res_5_517 Cholinergic inhibition in the cerebral cortex
Phillis_1967_J.Physiol.London_192_695 A study of cholinoceptive cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus
Polyakova_1967_Zh.Evol.Biokhim.Fiziol_3_124 Cholinesterase activity in helminths (in Russian)
Pope_1967_Arch.Neurol_16_351 Microchemical architecture of human isocortex
Porcellati_1967_Prog.Biochem.Pharmacol_3_49 The effect of organo-phosphorus compounds on nerve phospholipid metabolism
Ritchie_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_144_504 On the role of acetylcholine in conduction in mammalian non-myelinated nerve fibers
Robinson_1967_J.Cell.Biol_33_93 The localization of acetylcholinesterase at the autonomic neuromuscular junction
Rodriguez de Lores Arnaiz_1967_J.Neurochem_14_215 Ultrastructural and enzymic studies of cholinergic and non-cholinergic synaptic membranes isolated from brain cortex
Roessmann_1967_J.Anat_101_27 The segmental distribution of acetylcholinesterase in the cat spinal cord
Rosic_1967_Arch.Int.Pharmacodyn.Ther_165_302 The relationship between cholinesterase activity and brain permeability to barbitone
Rutledge_1967_Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol_23_256 Prevention of supersensitivity in partially isolated cerebral cortex
Rybicka_1967_Exp.Parasitol_20_263 Embryogenesis in Hymenolepis diminuta. V. Acetylcholinesterase in embryos
Sakai_1967_Appl.Entomol.Zool_2_111 Hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine and butyrylthiocholine by cholinesterases of insects and a mite
Salpeter_1967_J.Cell.Biol_32_379 Electron microscope radioautography as a quantitative tool in enzyme cytochemistry. I. The distribution of acetylcholinesterase at motor end plates of a vertebrate twitch muscle
Shantha_1967_Acta.Histochem_27_129 Histochemical studies on the cerebellum of squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciurea)
Shute_1967_J.Anat_101_604 Ultrastructural changes in cholinergie hippocampal afferent fibres after section of the fornix
Shute_1967_Brain_90_497 The ascending cholinergic reticular system, neocortical, olfactory and subcortical projections
Singh_1967_Nature_216_1337 Effect on brain enzyme and behaviour in the rat of visual pattern restriction in carly life
Szerb_1967_J.Physiol.London_192_329 Cortical acetylcholine release and electroencephalographic arousal
Teravainen_1967_Histochemie_10_266 Electron microscopie localization of cholinesterases in the rat myoneural junction
Tranzer_1967_Experientia_23_123 Significance of 'empty vesicles' in post-ganglionic sympathetic nerve terminale
Winkelmann_1967_Stain.Technol_42_214 Removal of epidermis with sodium bromide for cholinesterase staining of dermal nerves
Zupancic_1967_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_144_689 Evidence for the identity of anionic centers of cholinesterases with cholinoreceptors