Title : [Relationship between glycated albumin (GA) and glycated hemoglobin (A1c) in 255 patients with liver diseases using cross-sectional laboratory data] - Miyamoto_2008_Rinsho.Byori_56_761 |
Author(s) : Miyamoto H , Suzuki H , Yokoyama Y , Akizuki S , Hirai N , Ohnishi A |
Ref : Rinsho Byori , 56 :761 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Miyamoto_2008_Rinsho.Byori_56_761 |
PubMedID: 18975554 |
Title : Genetic and immunological analyses of patients with increased serum butyrylcholinesterase activity and its C5 variant form - Akizuki_2004_Clin.Chem.Lab.Med_42_991 |
Author(s) : Akizuki S , Ohnishi A , Kotani K , Sudo K |
Ref : Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine , 42 :991 , 2004 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Akizuki_2004_Clin.Chem.Lab.Med_42_991 |
PubMedID: 15497462 |
Title : [Dibucaine number (DN) and fluoride number (FN) of L330 I mutant recombinant cholinesterase by use of various substrates] - Akizuki_1999_Rinsho.Byori_47_479 |
Author(s) : Akizuki S , Sudo K , Abe M , Abe I , Nakajima T , Ohnishi A , Maekawa M |
Ref : Rinsho Byori , 47 :479 , 1999 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Akizuki_1999_Rinsho.Byori_47_479 |
PubMedID: 10375971 |
Title : Human butyrylcholinesterase L330I mutation belongs to a fluoride-resistant gene, by expression in human fetal kidney cells - Sudo_1997_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_240_372 |
Author(s) : Sudo K , Maekawa M , Akizuki S , Magara T , Ogasawara H , Tanaka T |
Ref : Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications , 240 :372 , 1997 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Sudo_1997_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_240_372 |
PubMedID: 9388484 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-BCHE |
Title : Three different point mutations in the butyrylcholinesterase gene of three Japanese subjects with a silent phenotype: possible Japanese type alleles - Sudo_1996_Clin.Biochem_29_165 |
Author(s) : Sudo K , Maekawa M , Kanno T , Akizuki S , Magara T |
Ref : Clinical Biochemistry , 29 :165 , 1996 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Sudo_1996_Clin.Biochem_29_165 |
PubMedID: 8601326 |