Title : Building Bridges Between the Clinic and the Laboratory: A Meeting Review - Brain Malformations: A Roadmap for Future Research - Sapir_2019_Front.Cell.Neurosci_13_434 |
Author(s) : Sapir T , Barakat TS , Paredes MF , Lerman-Sagie T , Aronica E , Klonowski W , Nguyen L , Ben Zeev B , Bahi-Buisson N , Leventer R , Rachmian N , Reiner O |
Ref : Front Cell Neurosci , 13 :434 , 2019 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Sapir_2019_Front.Cell.Neurosci_13_434 |
PubMedID: 31611776 |
Title : Cholinergic imbalance in the multiple sclerosis hippocampus - Kooi_2011_Acta.Neuropathol_122_313 |
Author(s) : Kooi EJ , Prins M , Bajic N , Belien JA , Gerritsen WH , van Horssen J , Aronica E , van Dam AM , Hoozemans JJ , Francis PT , van der Valk P , Geurts JJ |
Ref : Acta Neuropathologica , 122 :313 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kooi_2011_Acta.Neuropathol_122_313 |
PubMedID: 21691765 |