Bacchetti T


Full name : Bacchetti Tiziana

First name : Tiziana

Mail : Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell Ambiente, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, 60131 Ancona

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Country : Italy

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References (26)

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Author(s) : Morresi C , Luccarini A , Marcheggiani F , Ferretti G , Damiani E , Bacchetti T
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Title : Phytochemicals as Modulators of Paraoxonase-1 in Health and Diseases - Arab_2022_Antioxidants.(Basel)_11_
Author(s) : Arab ZN , Khayatan D , Razavi SM , Zare K , Kheradkhah E , Momtaz S , Ferretti G , Bacchetti T , Sathyapalan T , Emami SA , Abdolghaffari AH , Sahebkar A
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Title : Paraoxonase-2: A potential biomarker for skin cancer aggressiveness - Bacchetti_2021_Eur.J.Clin.Invest_51_e13452
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Title : Differential immunohistochemical expression of paraoxonase-2 in actinic keratosis and squamous cell carcinoma -
Author(s) : Sartini D , Campagna R , Lucarini G , Pompei V , Salvolini E , Mattioli-Belmonte M , Molinelli E , Brisigotti V , Campanati A , Bacchetti T , Ferretti G , Offidani A , Emanuelli M
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Title : Paraoxonase-2 Silencing Enhances Sensitivity of A375 Melanoma Cells to Treatment with Cisplatin - Campagna_2020_Antioxidants.(Basel)_9_
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Title : Effect of High Glucose-Induced Oxidative Stress on Paraoxonase 2 Expression and Activity in Caco-2 Cells - Morresi_2019_Cells_8_
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Title : Exploring the role of paraoxonase-2 in bladder cancer: analyses performed on tissue samples, urines and cell cultures - Bacchetti_2017_Oncotarget_8_28785
Author(s) : Bacchetti T , Sartini D , Pozzi V , Cacciamani T , Ferretti G , Emanuelli M
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Title : Oxidative stress and psoriasis: the effect of antitumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitor treatment - Bacchetti_2013_Br.J.Dermatol_168_984
Author(s) : Bacchetti T , Campanati A , Ferretti G , Simonetti O , Liberati G , Offidani AM
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Title : Olive oil supplemented with Coenzyme Q(10): effect on plasma and lipoprotein oxidative status - Bruge_2012_Biofactors_38_249
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Title : Effect of dietary lipids on paraoxonase-1 activity and gene expression - Ferretti_2012_Nutr.Metab.Cardiovasc.Dis_22_88
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Title : Correlation between lipoprotein(a) and lipid peroxidation in psoriasis: role of the enzyme paraoxonase-1 - Ferretti_2012_Br.J.Dermatol_166_204
Author(s) : Ferretti G , Bacchetti T , Campanati A , Simonetti O , Liberati G , Offidani A
Ref : Br J Dermatol , 166 :204 , 2012
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Title : Altered inflammation, paraoxonase-1 activity and HDL physicochemical properties in obese humans with and without Prader-Willi syndrome - Ferretti_2012_Dis.Model.Mech_5_698
Author(s) : Ferretti G , Bacchetti T , Masciangelo S , Grugni G , Bicchiega V
Ref : Dis Model Mech , 5 :698 , 2012
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Title : Lipid peroxidation and paraoxonase-1 activity in celiac disease - Ferretti_2012_J.Lipids_2012_587479
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Title : Effect of homocysteinylation on high density lipoprotein physico-chemical properties - Ferretti_2010_Chem.Phys.Lipids_163_228
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Ref : Chemistry & Physic of Lipids , 163 :228 , 2010
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Title : HDL-paraoxonase and membrane lipid peroxidation: a comparison between healthy and obese subjects - Ferretti_2010_Obesity.(Silver.Spring)_18_1079
Author(s) : Ferretti G , Bacchetti T , Masciangelo S , Bicchiega V
Ref : Obesity (Silver Spring) , 18 :1079 , 2010
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Title : Effect of acylethanolamides on lipid peroxidation and paraoxonase activity - Zolese_2008_Biofactors_33_201
Author(s) : Zolese G , Bacchetti T , Masciangelo S , Ragni L , Ambrosi S , Ambrosini A , Marini M , Ferretti G
Ref : Biofactors , 33 :201 , 2008
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Title : Lipid peroxidation in stroke patients - Ferretti_2008_Clin.Chem.Lab.Med_46_113
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Ref : Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine , 46 :113 , 2008
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Title : Lipid peroxidation in hemodialysis patients: effect of vitamin C supplementation - Ferretti_2008_Clin.Biochem_41_381
Author(s) : Ferretti G , Bacchetti T , Masciangelo S , Pallotta G
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Title : Antioxidant and cytoprotective properties of high-density lipoproteins in vascular cells - Negre-Salvayre_2006_Free.Radic.Biol.Med_41_1031
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Title : Structural modifications of HDL and functional consequences - Ferretti_2006_Atherosclerosis_184_1
Author(s) : Ferretti G , Bacchetti T , Negre-Salvayre A , Salvayre R , Dousset N , Curatola G
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Title : Paraoxonase activity in high-density lipoproteins: a comparison between healthy and obese females - Ferretti_2005_J.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab_90_1728
Author(s) : Ferretti G , Bacchetti T , Moroni C , Savino S , Liuzzi A , Balzola F , Bicchiega V
Ref : J Clinical Endocrinology Metab , 90 :1728 , 2005
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Title : Increased levels of lipid hydroperoxides in plasma of patients with multiple sclerosis: a relationship with paraoxonase activity - Ferretti_2005_Mult.Scler_11_677
Author(s) : Ferretti G , Bacchetti T , Principi F , Di Ludovico F , Viti B , Angeleri VA , Danni M , Provinciali L
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Title : Protective effect of paraoxonase activity in high-density lipoproteins against erythrocyte membranes peroxidation: a comparison between healthy subjects and type 1 diabetic patients - Ferretti_2004_J.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab_89_2957
Author(s) : Ferretti G , Bacchetti T , Busni D , Rabini RA , Curatola G
Ref : J Clinical Endocrinology Metab , 89 :2957 , 2004
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PubMedID: 15181084

Title : Coenzyme Q10, antioxidant status and ApoE isoforms - Battino_2003_Biofactors_18_299
Author(s) : Battino M , Giunta S , Galeazzi L , Galeazzi R , Mosca F , Santolini C , Principi F , Ferretti G , Bacchetti T , Bencivenga R , Piani M , Riganello G , Littarru GP
Ref : Biofactors , 18 :299 , 2003
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 14695947

Title : Effect of homocysteinylation on human high-density lipoproteins: a correlation with paraoxonase activity - Ferretti_2003_Metabolism_52_146
Author(s) : Ferretti G , Bacchetti T , Marotti E , Curatola G
Ref : Metabolism , 52 :146 , 2003
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PubMedID: 12601623

Title : Effect of glycation of high density lipoproteins on their physicochemical properties and on paraoxonase activity - Ferretti_2001_Acta.Diabetol_38_163
Author(s) : Ferretti G , Bacchetti T , Marchionni C , Caldarelli L , Curatola G
Ref : Acta Diabetologia , 38 :163 , 2001
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