Bestebroer TM

References (1)

Title : Adenosine deaminase acts as a natural antagonist for dipeptidyl peptidase 4-mediated entry of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus - Raj_2014_J.Virol_88_1834
Author(s) : Raj VS , Smits SL , Provacia LB , van den Brand JM , Wiersma L , Ouwendijk WJ , Bestebroer TM , Spronken MI , van Amerongen G , Rottier PJ , Fouchier RA , Bosch BJ , Osterhaus AD , Haagmans BL
Ref : J Virol , 88 :1834 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Raj_2014_J.Virol_88_1834
PubMedID: 24257613