Blaichman S

References (1)

Title : Recurrent missense mutations at the first and second base of codon Arg243 in human lipoprotein lipase in patients of different ancestries - Ma_1994_Hum.Mutat_3_52
Author(s) : Ma Y , Liu MS , Chitayat D , Bruin T , Beisiegel U , Benlian P , Foubert L , De Gennes JL , Funke H , Forsythe I , Blaichman S , Papanikolaou M , Erkelens DW , Kastelein J , Brunzell JD , Hayden MR
Ref : Hum Mutat , 3 :52 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ma_1994_Hum.Mutat_3_52
PubMedID: 7906986