Camba MJ

References (1)

Title : Twice weekly dosing with Sebelipase alfa (Kanuma) rescues severely ill infants with Wolman disease - de Castro_2024_Orphanet.J.Rare.Dis_19_244
Author(s) : de Castro MJ , Jones SA , de Las Heras J , Sanchez-Pintos P , Couce ML , Colon C , Crujeiras P , Unceta M , Church H , Brammeier K , Yee WH , Cooper J , Lopez de Frutos L , Serrano-Gonzalo I , Camba MJ , White FJ , Holmes V , Ghosh A
Ref : Orphanet J Rare Dis , 19 :244 , 2024
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : de Castro_2024_Orphanet.J.Rare.Dis_19_244
PubMedID: 38918870
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPA