Caruso JA

References (2)

Title : Endogenous and Synthetic ABHD5 Ligands Regulate ABHD5-Perilipin Interactions and Lipolysis in Fat and Muscle - Sanders_2015_Cell.Metab_22_851
Author(s) : Sanders MA , Madoux F , Mladenovic L , Zhang H , Ye X , Angrish M , Mottillo EP , Caruso JA , Halvorsen G , Roush WR , Chase P , Hodder P , Granneman JG
Ref : Cell Metab , 22 :851 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sanders_2015_Cell.Metab_22_851
PubMedID: 26411340
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD5 , mouse-abhd5

Title : Derivatization of organophosphorus nerve agent degradation products for gas chromatography with ICPMS and TOF-MS detection - Richardson_2007_Anal.Bioanal.Chem_388_809
Author(s) : Richardson DD , Caruso JA
Ref : Anal Bioanal Chem , 388 :809 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Richardson_2007_Anal.Bioanal.Chem_388_809
PubMedID: 17356819