Chen YX

References (4)

Title : Diagnosis and Treatment for Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines and Consensus Statements - Chen_2021_Front.Neurol_12_719849
Author(s) : Chen YX , Liang N , Li XL , Yang SH , Wang YP , Shi NN
Ref : Front Neurol , 12 :719849 , 2021
Abstract :
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Title : Molecular evaluation of herbal compounds as potent inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease - Chen_2016_Mol.Med.Rep_14_446
Author(s) : Chen YX , Li GZ , Zhang B , Xia ZY , Zhang M
Ref : Mol Med Rep , 14 :446 , 2016
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Ref : Nat Commun , 4 :1426 , 2013
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Gene_locus related to this paper: tupch-l9l8p0 , tupch-l9l7d8.1 , tupch-l9l7d8.2 , tupch-l9l7d8.3 , tupch-l8y4e3 , tupch-l9jqg5 , tupch-l9l3m0 , tupch-l9kxg8 , tupch-l9knn8 , tupch-l9kf47 , tupch-l9ja32 , tupch-l9l5b1 , tupch-l9khv5 , tupch-l9jej9 , tupch-l9kzq5

Title : Inhibition of soluble epoxide hydrolase by extracts derived from inflammation-treating Chinese medicinal herbs - Shi_2008_Phytother.Res_22_1264
Author(s) : Shi DH , Xu C , Guo BX , Wang XT , Chen YX , Tan RX
Ref : Phytother Res , 22 :1264 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Shi_2008_Phytother.Res_22_1264
PubMedID: 18729246