Choudhry MA

References (1)

Title : Summary of the 2018 Alcohol and Immunology Research Interest Group (AIRIG) meeting - Kuprys_2019_Alcohol_77_11
Author(s) : Kuprys PV , Tsukamoto H , Gao B , Jia L , McGowan J , Coopersmith CM , Moreno MC , Hulsebus H , Meena AS , Souza-Smith FM , Roper P , Foster MT , Raju SV , Marshall SA , Fujita M , Curtis BJ , Wyatt TA , Mandrekar P , Kovacs EJ , Choudhry MA
Ref : Alcohol , 77 :11 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kuprys_2019_Alcohol_77_11
PubMedID: 30763905