Title : Evaluation of Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Tyrosinase Inhibitory Activities of Extracts from Tricholosporum goniospermum, an Edible Wild Mushroom - Angelini_2020_Antibiotics.(Basel)_9_ |
Author(s) : Angelini P , Venanzoni R , Angeles Flores G , Tirillini B , Orlando G , Recinella L , Chiavaroli A , Brunetti L , Leone S , Di Simone SC , Ciferri MC , Zengin G , Ak G , Menghini L , Ferrante C |
Ref : Antibiotics (Basel) , 9 : , 2020 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Angelini_2020_Antibiotics.(Basel)_9_ |
PubMedID: 32823710 |
Title : Evaluation of Pharmacological and Phytochemical Profiles Piptadeniastrum africanum (Hook.f.) Brenan Stem Bark Extracts - Sinan_2020_Biomolecules_10_ |
Author(s) : Sinan KI , Chiavaroli A , Orlando G , Bene K , Zengin G , Cziaky Z , Jeko J , Mahomoodally MF , Picot-Allain MCN , Menghini L , Recinella L , Brunetti L , Leone S , Ciferri MC , Di Simone S , Ferrante C |
Ref : Biomolecules , 10 : , 2020 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Sinan_2020_Biomolecules_10_ |
PubMedID: 32231150 |
Title : Biopotential of Bersama abyssinica Fresen Stem Bark Extracts: UHPLC Profiles, Antioxidant, Enzyme Inhibitory, and Antiproliferative Propensities - Sinan_2020_Antioxidants.(Basel)_9_ |
Author(s) : Sinan KI , Chiavaroli A , Orlando G , Bene K , Zengin G , Cziaky Z , Jeko J , Mahomoodally MF , Picot-Allain MCN , Menghini L , Recinella L , Brunetti L , Leone S , Ciferri MC , Simone SD , Ferrante C |
Ref : Antioxidants (Basel) , 9 : , 2020 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Sinan_2020_Antioxidants.(Basel)_9_ |
PubMedID: 32079363 |