Cogan DP

References (2)

Title : Mapping the catalytic conformations of an assembly-line polyketide synthase module - Cogan_2021_Science_374_729
Author(s) : Cogan DP , Zhang K , Li X , Li S , Pintilie GD , Roh SH , Craik CS , Chiu W , Khosla C
Ref : Science , 374 :729 , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cogan_2021_Science_374_729
PubMedID: 34735239
Gene_locus related to this paper: sacer-ery3

Title : Structural Basis for Enzymatic Off-Loading of Hybrid Polyketides by Dieckmann Condensation - Cogan_2020_ACS.Chem.Biol_15_2783
Author(s) : Cogan DP , Ly J , Nair SK
Ref : ACS Chemical Biology , 15 :2783 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cogan_2020_ACS.Chem.Biol_15_2783
PubMedID: 33017142
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9pseu-NcmC