Crocker AD

References (2)

Title : Genetic and pharmacological models of cholinergic supersensitivity and affective disorders - Overstreet_1988_Experientia_44_465
Author(s) : Overstreet DH , Russell RW , Crocker AD , Gillin JC , Janowsky DS
Ref : Experientia , 44 :465 , 1988
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Overstreet_1988_Experientia_44_465
PubMedID: 3288493

Title : Selective breeding for differences in cholinergic function: pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms involved in sensitivity to the anticholinesterase, DFP - Overstreet_1984_Brain.Res_294_327
Author(s) : Overstreet DH , Russell RW , Crocker AD , Schiller GD
Ref : Brain Research , 294 :327 , 1984
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Overstreet_1984_Brain.Res_294_327
PubMedID: 6704730