Cushing EM

References (3)

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Author(s) : Spitler KM , Shetty SK , Cushing EM , Sylvers-Davie KL , Davies BSJ
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Title : Regulation of plasma triglyceride partitioning by adipose-derived ANGPTL4 in mice - Spitler_2021_Sci.Rep_11_7873
Author(s) : Spitler KM , Shetty SK , Cushing EM , Sylvers-Davie KL , Davies BSJ
Ref : Sci Rep , 11 :7873 , 2021
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Title : A large-scale genome-lipid association map guides lipid identification - Linke_2020_Nat.Metab_2_1149
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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD1 , human-ABHD3