Full name : Sir Dale Henry Hallett
First name : Henry Hallett
Mail : Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology at the National Institute for Medical Research London
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Sir Henry Hallett Dale, (9 June 1875 - 23 July 1968) was an English pharmacologist and physiologist. For his study of acetylcholine as agent in the chemical transmission of nerve impulses (neurotransmission) he shared the 1936 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Otto Loewi. He first extracted Acetylcholine from an ergot fungus Claviceps purpurea in 1914. Dale showed that some of the peripheral action of acetylcholine resembled those of muscarine (smooth musle, heart, and gland cells and these actions were sensitive to atropine) others those of nicotine (sympathetic and parasympethetic ganglia, adrenal medulla) He predicted the presence of a cholinesterase in blood. Loewi had shown in 1926 that nerves produce neurotransmitter called then -vagusstoff- (released from the vagus nerve). In 1929 Dale and Dudley extracted ACh from bovine and horse spleen and in 1936 Dale showed that ACh is liberated from motoneurones.
Title : Reactions of the normal mammalian muscle to acetylcholine and to eserine - |
Author(s) : Brown GL , Dale HH , Feldberg W |
Ref : Journal of Physiology , 87 :394 , 1936 |
PubMedID: 16994802 |
Title : Release of acetylcholine at voluntary motor nerve endings - |
Author(s) : Dale HH , Feldberg W , Vogt M |
Ref : Journal of Physiology , 86 :353 , 1936 |
PubMedID: 16994763 |
Title : The chemical transmission of secretory impulses to the sweat glands of the cat - |
Author(s) : Dale HH , Feldberg W |
Ref : Journal of Physiology , 82 :121 , 1934 |
PubMedID: 16994562 |
Title : The chemical transmitter of vagus effects to the stomach - |
Author(s) : Dale HH , Feldberg W |
Ref : Journal of Physiology , 81 :320 , 1934 |
PubMedID: 16994546 |
Title : The control of circulation through the liver - |
Author(s) : Bauer W , Dale HH , Poulsson LT , Richards DW |
Ref : Journal of Physiology , 74 :343 , 1932 |
PubMedID: 16994284 |
Title : The depressor (vasodilator) action of adrenaline - |
Author(s) : Dale HH , Richards AN |
Ref : Journal of Physiology , 63 :201 , 1927 |
PubMedID: 16993883 |
Title : The action of certain esters and ethers of choline, and their relation to muscarine - |
Author(s) : Dale HH |
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 6 :147 , 1914 |
PubMedID: |
Title : The significance of the suprarenal capsules in the action of certain alkaloids - |
Author(s) : Dale HH , Laidlaw PP |
Ref : Journal of Physiology , 45 :1 , 1912 |
PubMedID: 16993176 |
Title : A reversed action of the vagus on the mammalian heart - |
Author(s) : Dale HH , Laidlaw PP , Symons CT |
Ref : Journal of Physiology , 41 :1 , 1910 |
PubMedID: 16993039 |