Degenhardt CE

References (2)

Title : Improvements of the fluoride reactivation method for the verification of nerve agent exposure - Degenhardt_2004_J.Anal.Toxicol_28_364
Author(s) : Degenhardt CE , Pleijsier K , van der Schans MJ , Langenberg JP , Preston KE , Solano MI , Maggio VL , Barr JR
Ref : J Anal Toxicol , 28 :364 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Degenhardt_2004_J.Anal.Toxicol_28_364
PubMedID: 15239857

Title : Retrospective detection of exposure to nerve agents: analysis of phosphofluoridates originating from fluoride-induced reactivation of phosphylated BuChE - van der Schans_2004_Arch.Toxicol_78_508
Author(s) : van der Schans MJ , Polhuijs M , van Dijk C , Degenhardt CE , Pleijsier K , Langenberg JP , Benschop HP
Ref : Archives of Toxicology , 78 :508 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : van der Schans_2004_Arch.Toxicol_78_508
PubMedID: 15170525