Title : MnSOD Ala16Val polymorphism in cognitive dysfunction in patients with epilepsy: A relationship with oxidative and inflammatory markers - Arend_2020_Epilepsy.Behav_112_107346 |
Author(s) : Arend J , Kegler A , Caprara ALF , Gabbi P , Pascotini ET , de Freitas LAV , Duarte M , Broetto N , Furian AF , Oliveira MS , Royes LFF , Fighera MR |
Ref : Epilepsy Behav , 112 :107346 , 2020 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Arend_2020_Epilepsy.Behav_112_107346 |
PubMedID: 32889510 |
Title : Involvement of MnSOD Ala16Val polymorphism in epilepsy: A relationship with seizure type, inflammation, and metabolic syndrome - Kegler_2019_Gene_711_143924 |
Author(s) : Kegler A , Cardoso AS , Caprara ALF , Pascotini ET , Arend J , Gabbi P , Duarte M , da Cruz IBM , Furian AF , Oliveira MS , Royes LFF , Fighera MR |
Ref : Gene , 711 :143924 , 2019 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kegler_2019_Gene_711_143924 |
PubMedID: 31212050 |
Title : The Val16Ala-SOD2 polymorphism affects cyto-genotoxicity of pyridostigmine bromide on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells - Azzolin_2019_Toxicol.In.Vitro_60_237 |
Author(s) : Azzolin VF , Barbisan F , Teixeira CF , Pillar D , Mastella MH , Duarte T , Turra BO , Ribeiro EE , Duarte M , da Cruz IBM |
Ref : Toxicol In Vitro , 60 :237 , 2019 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Azzolin_2019_Toxicol.In.Vitro_60_237 |
PubMedID: 31175926 |
Title : Involvement of the Cholinergic Parameters and Glial Cells in Learning Delay Induced by Glutaric Acid: Protection by N-Acetylcysteine - Rodrigues_2019_Mol.Neurobiol_56_4945 |
Author(s) : Rodrigues FS , de Zorzi VN , Funghetto MP , Haupental F , Cardoso AS , Marchesan S , Cardoso AM , Schinger MRC , Machado AK , da Cruz IBM , Duarte M , Xavier LL , Furian AF , Oliveira MS , Santos ARS , Royes LFF , Fighera MR |
Ref : Molecular Neurobiology , 56 :4945 , 2019 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Rodrigues_2019_Mol.Neurobiol_56_4945 |
PubMedID: 30421167 |
Title : Depressive, inflammatory, and metabolic factors associated with cognitive impairment in patients with epilepsy - Arend_2018_Epilepsy.Behav_86_49 |
Author(s) : Arend J , Kegler A , Caprara ALF , Almeida C , Gabbi P , Pascotini ET , de Freitas LAV , Miraglia C , Bertazzo TL , Palma R , Arceno P , Duarte M , Furian AF , Oliveira MS , Royes LFF , Mathern GW , Fighera MR |
Ref : Epilepsy Behav , 86 :49 , 2018 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Arend_2018_Epilepsy.Behav_86_49 |
PubMedID: 30077908 |
Title : Effects of Pyridostigmine bromide on SH-SY5Y cells: An in vitro neuroblastoma neurotoxicity model - Azzolin_2017_Mutat.Res_823_1 |
Author(s) : Azzolin VF , Barbisan F , Lenz LS , Teixeira CF , Fortuna M , Duarte T , Duarte M , da Cruz IBM |
Ref : Mutat Res , 823 :1 , 2017 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Azzolin_2017_Mutat.Res_823_1 |
PubMedID: 28985942 |
Title : Effect of Ginger and Turmeric Rhizomes on Inflammatory Cytokines Levels and Enzyme Activities of Cholinergic and Purinergic Systems in Hypertensive Rats - Akinyemi_2016_Planta.Med_82_612 |
Author(s) : Akinyemi AJ , Thome GR , Morsch VM , Bottari NB , Baldissarelli J , de Oliveira LS , Goularte JF , Bello-Klein A , Duarte T , Duarte M , Boligon AA , Athayde ML , Akindahunsi AA , Oboh G , Schetinger MR |
Ref : Planta Med , 82 :612 , 2016 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Akinyemi_2016_Planta.Med_82_612 |
PubMedID: 27002391 |
Title : Butyrylcholinesterase as a marker of inflammation and liver injury in the acute and subclinical phases of canine ehrlichiosis - do Carmo_2015_Comp.Immunol.Microbiol.Infect.Dis_43_16 |
Author(s) : do Carmo GM , Crivellenti LZ , Bottari NB , Machado G , Borin-Crivellenti S , Moresco RN , Duarte T , Duarte M , Tinucci-Costa M , Morsch VM , Schetinger MR , Stefani LM , Da Silva AS |
Ref : Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis , 43 :16 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : do Carmo_2015_Comp.Immunol.Microbiol.Infect.Dis_43_16 |
PubMedID: 26616656 |
Title : AromaDeg, a novel database for phylogenomics of aerobic bacterial degradation of aromatics - Duarte_2014_Database.(Oxford)_2014_bau118 |
Author(s) : Duarte M , Jauregui R , Vilchez-Vargas R , Junca H , Pieper DH |
Ref : Database (Oxford) , 2014 :bau118 , 2014 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Duarte_2014_Database.(Oxford)_2014_bau118 |
PubMedID: 25468931 |