Fairman K

References (2)

Title : Changes in Psychotropic Prescribing for Patients With Dementia, 2014-2016: Potential implications for Pharmacists - Early_2020_Sr.Care.Pharm_35_207
Author(s) : Early N , Fairman K , Ma J , Hong K
Ref : Sr Care Pharm , 35 :207 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Early_2020_Sr.Care.Pharm_35_207
PubMedID: 32340657

Title : Developmental variations of tyrosine hydroxylase and acetylcholinesterase in embryonic and post-hatching chicken sympathetic ganglia - Fairman_1976_Brain.Res_102_301
Author(s) : Fairman K , Giacobini E , Chiappinelli V
Ref : Brain Research , 102 :301 , 1976
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fairman_1976_Brain.Res_102_301
PubMedID: 2367