Feng Xue, Zhi-Qiang Liu, Shu-Ping Zou, Nan-Wei Wan, Wen-Yuan Zhu, Qing Zhu, Yu-Guo Zheng,

References (1)

Title : A novel enantioselective epoxide hydrolase from Agromyces mediolanus ZJB120203: Cloning, characterization and application - Xue_2014_Process.Biochem_49_409
Author(s) : Feng Xue, Zhi-Qiang Liu, Shu-Ping Zou, Nan-Wei Wan, Wen-Yuan Zhu, Qing Zhu, Yu-Guo Zheng, , Xue F , Liu ZQ , Zou SP , Wan NW , Zhu WY , Zhu Q , Zheng YG
Ref : Process Biochemistry , 49 :409 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Xue_2014_Process.Biochem_49_409
Gene_locus related to this paper: agrme-a0a088b180