Fernandes VC

References (3)

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Author(s) : Fernandes F , Barroso MF , De Simone A , Emrikova E , Dias-Teixeira M , Pereira JP , Chlebek J , Fernandes VC , Rodrigues F , Andrisano V , Delerue-Matos C , Grosso C
Ref : J Ethnopharmacol , 290 :115107 , 2022
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Title : Exploring the impacts of microplastics and associated chemicals in the terrestrial environment - Exposure of soil invertebrates to tire particles - Selonen_2021_Environ.Res__111495
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PubMedID: 34133973

Title : Assessing the ecological status of fluvial ecosystems employing a macroinvertebrate multi-taxon and multi-biomarker approach - Rodrigues_2019_Environ.Monit.Assess_191_503
Author(s) : Rodrigues C , Bio A , Guimaraes L , Fernandes VC , Delerue-Matos C , Vieira N
Ref : Environ Monit Assess , 191 :503 , 2019
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 31332534