Ferrer P

References (7)

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Author(s) : Breda GC , Faria PE , Rodrigues YS , Pinheiro PB , Nucci MCR , Ferrer P , Freire DMG , Almeida RV , Mesquita RD
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Gene_locus related to this paper: usth4-i2g5f8

Title : Effects of methanol on lipases: molecular, kinetic and process issues in the production of biodiesel - Lotti_2015_Biotechnol.J_10_22
Author(s) : Lotti Marina , Pleiss J , Valero F , Ferrer P
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Title : Recombinant Candida rugosa lipase 2 from Pichia pastoris: immobilization and use as biocatalyst in a stereoselective reaction - Benaiges_2010_Biotechnol.Prog_26_1252
Author(s) : Benaiges MD , Alarcon M , Fucinos P , Ferrer P , Rua M , Valero F
Ref : Biotechnol Prog , 26 :1252 , 2010
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PubMedID: 20945483

Title : Transcriptional response of P. pastoris in fed-batch cultivations to Rhizopus oryzae lipase production reveals UPR induction - Resina_2007_Microb.Cell.Fact_6_21
Author(s) : Resina D , Bollok M , Khatri NK , Valero F , Neubauer P , Ferrer P
Ref : Microb Cell Fact , 6 :21 , 2007
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Title : Sorbitol co-feeding reduces metabolic burden caused by the overexpression of a Rhizopus oryzae lipase in Pichia pastoris - Ramon_2007_J.Biotechnol_130_39
Author(s) : Ramon R , Ferrer P , Valero F
Ref : J Biotechnol , 130 :39 , 2007
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Title : Expression of a Rhizopus oryzae lipase in Pichia pastoris under control of the nitrogen source-regulated formaldehyde dehydrogenase promoter - Resina_2004_J.Biotechnol_109_103
Author(s) : Resina D , Serrano A , Valero F , Ferrer P
Ref : J Biotechnol , 109 :103 , 2004
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PubMedID: 15063618

Title : Optimization of the high-level production of Rhizopus oryzae lipase in Pichia pastoris - Minning_2001_J.Biotechnol_86_59
Author(s) : Minning S , Serrano A , Ferrer P , Sola C , Schmid RD , Valero F
Ref : J Biotechnol , 86 :59 , 2001
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