Goldstein E

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Title : Genetic variation in the CHRNA5 gene affects mRNA levels and is associated with risk for alcohol dependence - Wang_2009_Mol.Psychiatry_14_501
Author(s) : Wang JC , Grucza R , Cruchaga C , Hinrichs AL , Bertelsen S , Budde JP , Fox L , Goldstein E , Reyes O , Saccone NL , Saccone S , Xuei X , Bucholz K , Kuperman S , Nurnberger J, Jr. , Rice JP , Schuckit M , Tischfield J , Hesselbrock V , Porjesz B , Edenberg HJ , Bierut LJ , Goate AM
Ref : Mol Psychiatry , 14 :501 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wang_2009_Mol.Psychiatry_14_501
PubMedID: 18414406