Groussard D

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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-EPHX2

Title : Inhibition of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Does Not Promote or Aggravate Pulmonary Hypertension in Rats - Leuillier_2023_Cells_12_
Author(s) : Leuillier M , Platel V , Tu L , Feugray G , Thuillet R , Groussard D , Messaoudi H , Ottaviani M , Chelgham M , Nicol L , Mulder P , Humbert M , Richard V , Morisseau C , Brunel V , Duflot T , Guignabert C , Bellien J
Ref : Cells , 12 : , 2023
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PubMedID: 36831332