Guardamagna O

References (5)

Title : Cholesterol trafficking-related serum lipoprotein functions in children with cholesteryl ester storage disease - Zimetti_2015_Atherosclerosis_242_443
Author(s) : Zimetti F , Favari E , Cagliero P , Adorni MP , Ronda N , Bonardi R , Gomaraschi M , Calabresi L , Bernini F , Guardamagna O
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 242 :443 , 2015
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PubMedSearch : Zimetti_2015_Atherosclerosis_242_443
PubMedID: 26291497

Title : Clinical Features of Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency - Burton_2015_J.Pediatr.Gastroenterol.Nutr_61_619
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Title : Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency--an under-recognized cause of dyslipidaemia and liver dysfunction - Reiner_2014_Atherosclerosis_235_21
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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPA

Title : Lysosomal lipase deficiency: molecular characterization of eleven patients with Wolman or cholesteryl ester storage disease - Fasano_2012_Mol.Genet.Metab_105_450
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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPA

Title : A novel missense mutation in the C-terminal domain of lipoprotein lipase (Glu410-->Val) leads to enzyme inactivation and familial chylomicronemia - Previato_1994_J.Lipid.Res_35_1552
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PubMedSearch : Previato_1994_J.Lipid.Res_35_1552
PubMedID: 7806969
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LPL