Hua K

References (1)

Title : The Effector AGLIP1 in Rhizoctonia solani AG1 IA Triggers Cell Death in Plants and Promotes Disease Development Through Inhibiting PAMP-Triggered Immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana - Li_2019_Front.Microbiol_10_2228
Author(s) : Li S , Peng X , Wang Y , Hua K , Xing F , Zheng Y , Liu W , Sun W , Wei S
Ref : Front Microbiol , 10 :2228 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Li_2019_Front.Microbiol_10_2228
PubMedID: 31611861
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9agam-a0a8h2wbw6