Huey LY

References (5)

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Author(s) : Janowsky DS , Risch SC , Huey LY
Ref : Hypertension , 7 :140 , 1985
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Title : Physostigmine effects on serotonin uptake in human blood platelets - Rausch_1985_Eur.J.Pharmacol_109_91
Author(s) : Rausch JL , Janowsky DS , Risch SC , Huey LY
Ref : European Journal of Pharmacology , 109 :91 , 1985
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Title : Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal regulation, neurotransmitters and affective disorders - Janowsky_1983_Peptides_4_775
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Ref : Peptides , 4 :775 , 1983
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Title : Hormonal and neurotransmitter hypotheses of premenstrual tension -
Author(s) : Rausch JL , Janowsky DS , Risch SC , Judd LL , Huey LY
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Title : Correlated cholinomimetic-stimulated beta-endorphin and prolactin release in humans - Risch_1982_Peptides_3_319
Author(s) : Risch SC , Janowsky DS , Siever LJ , Judd LJ , Rausch JL , Huey LY , Beckman KA , Cohen RM , Murphy DL
Ref : Peptides , 3 :319 , 1982
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