Title : Functional involvement of endothelial lipase in hepatitis B virus infection - Shirasaki_2023_Hepatol.Commun_7_e0206 |
Author(s) : Shirasaki T , Murai K , Ishida A , Kuroki K , Kawaguchi K , Wang Y , Yamanaka S , Yasukawa R , Kawasaki N , Li YY , Shimakami T , Sumiyadorj A , Nio K , Sugimoto S , Orita N , Takayama H , Okada H , Thi Bich PD , Iwabuchi S , Hashimoto S , Ide M , Tabata N , Ito S , Matsushima K , Yanagawa H , Yamashita T , Kaneko S , Honda M |
Ref : Hepatol Commun , 7 :e0206 , 2023 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Shirasaki_2023_Hepatol.Commun_7_e0206 |
PubMedID: 37655967 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPG |
Title : A case of cholesterol ester storage disease with hyperlipidemia and liver dysfunction - |
Author(s) : Yorifuji T , Ide M , Nagai S |
Ref : Clinical Endocrinology (Oxf) , 58 (Suppl) :187 , 2010 |
PubMedID: |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPA |
Title : Severe fenitrothion poisoning complicated by rhabdomyolysis in psychiatric patient - Futagami_2001_Acta.Med.Okayama_55_129 |
Author(s) : Futagami K , Hirano N , Iimori E , Motomura K , Ide M , Kataoka Y , Araki H , Gomita Y , Oishi R |
Ref : Acta Med Okayama , 55 :129 , 2001 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Futagami_2001_Acta.Med.Okayama_55_129 |
PubMedID: 11332199 |
Title : Acute organophosphate poisoning after disulfoton ingestion - Futagami_1995_J.Toxicol.Clin.Toxicol_33_151 |
Author(s) : Futagami K , Otsubo K , Nakao Y , Aoyama T , Iimori E , Urakami S , Ide M , Oishi R |
Ref : Journal of Toxicology Clinical Toxicology , 33 :151 , 1995 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Futagami_1995_J.Toxicol.Clin.Toxicol_33_151 |
PubMedID: 7897754 |