Jadhav K

References (3)

Title : Carboxylesterase 2 prevents liver steatosis by modulating lipolysis, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and lipogenesis and is regulated by hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha in mice - Li_2016_Hepatology_63_1860
Author(s) : Li Y , Zalzala M , Jadhav K , Xu Y , Kasumov T , Yin L , Zhang Y
Ref : Hepatology , 63 :1860 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Li_2016_Hepatology_63_1860
PubMedID: 26806650

Title : Carboxylesterase 1 Is Regulated by Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4alpha and Protects Against Alcohol- and MCD diet-induced Liver Injury - Xu_2016_Sci.Rep_6_24277
Author(s) : Xu J , Xu Y , Li Y , Jadhav K , You M , Yin L , Zhang Y
Ref : Sci Rep , 6 :24277 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Xu_2016_Sci.Rep_6_24277
PubMedID: 27075303
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CES1

Title : Hepatic carboxylesterase 1 is essential for both normal and farnesoid X receptor-controlled lipid homeostasis - Xu_2013_Hepatology__1
Author(s) : Xu J , Li Y , Chen WD , Xu Y , Yin L , Ge X , Jadhav K , Adorini L , Zhang Y
Ref : Hepatology , :1 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Xu_2013_Hepatology__1
PubMedID: 24038130
Gene_locus related to this paper: mouse-Ces1g