Jan Mican J

References (1)

Title : Structural Insights into (Tere)phthalate-Ester Hydrolysis by a Carboxylesterase and Its Role in Promoting PET Depolymerization - von Haugwitz_2022_ACS.Catal_12_15259
Author(s) : von Haugwitz G , Han X , Pfaff L , Li Q , Wei H , Gao J , Methling K , Ao Y , Brack Y , Jan Mican J , Feiler CG , Weiss MS , Bednar D , Palm GJ , Lalk M , Lammers M , Damborsky J , Weber G , Liu W , Bornscheuer UT , Wei R
Ref : ACS Catal , 12 :15259 , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : von Haugwitz_2022_ACS.Catal_12_15259
PubMedID: 36570084
Gene_locus related to this paper: thefu-1831