Title : The complete genome of Comamonas testosteroni reveals its genetic adaptations to changing environments - Ma_2009_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_75_6812 |
Author(s) :
Ma YF , Zhang Y , Zhang JY , Chen DW , Zhu Y , Zheng H , Wang SY , Jiang CY , Zhao GP , Liu SJ |
Ref :
Applied Environmental Microbiology , 75 :6812 , 2009 |
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ma_2009_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_75_6812 |
PubMedID: 19734336 |
Gene_locus related to this paper:
comt2-d0iwv3 , comt2-d0iyk2 , comt2-d0izv6 , comt2-d0j1z3 , comt2-d0j233 , comte-b7wt77 , comte-b7wvy1 , comte-b7wwl1 , comte-b7wz02 , comte-b7x0f1 , comte-b7x2b9 , comte-b7x5l7 , comte-d8d555 , comte-TESD , comte-b7wth6 , comt2-d0j2k4 |