Kaminskyj S

References (1)

Title : Analysis of a Blumeria graminis-secreted lipase reveals the importance of host epicuticular wax components for fungal adhesion and development - Feng_2009_Mol.Plant.Microbe.Interact_22_1601
Author(s) : Feng J , Wang F , Liu G , Greenshields D , Shen W , Kaminskyj S , Hughes GR , Peng Y , Selvaraj G , Zou J , Wei Y
Ref : Mol Plant Microbe Interact , 22 :1601 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Feng_2009_Mol.Plant.Microbe.Interact_22_1601
PubMedID: 19888825
Gene_locus related to this paper: blugr-d2cql4